
Linked USDL: A Vocabulary for Web-scale Service Trading
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/eswc2014_pedrinaci_service_trading/  
主讲教师: Carlos Pedrinaci
开课单位: 开放教育大学
开课时间: 2014-07-30
课程语种: 英语

从云解决方案到咨询的现实世界服务目前主导着经济活动。然而,尽管在线服务市场的数量不断增加,但 Web 上的服务交易仍然受到高度限制。服务充其量只能在封闭的孤岛内进行交易,主要通过 Web 店面提供手动搜索和比较功能。因此,很少有可能使服务的定制、捆绑和交易自动化,这将促进更高效的服务部门。在本文中,我们介绍了 Linked USDL,这是一个用于捕获和共享丰富服务描述的综合词汇表,旨在以开放、可扩展和高度自动化的方式支持 Web 上的服务交易。词汇表采用并利用关联数据作为有效支持 Web 通信的一种手段,通过重用词汇表和数据集来促进和简化其采用,并支持多个跨域提供商的机会参与。

课程简介: Real-world services ranging from cloud solutions to consulting currently dominate economic activity. Yet, despite the increasing number of service marketplaces online, service trading on the Web remains highly restricted. Services are at best traded within closed silos that o er mainly manual search and comparison capabilities through a Web storefront. Thus, it is seldom possible to automate the customisation, bundling, and trading of services, which would foster a more efficient and e ffective service sector. In this paper we present Linked USDL, a comprehensive vocabulary for capturing and sharing rich service descriptions, which aims to support the trading of services over the Web in an open, scalable, and highly automated manner. The vocabulary adopts and exploits Linked Data as a means to efficiently support communication over the Web, to promote and simplify its adoption by reusing vocabularies and datasets, and to enable the opportunistic engagement of multiple cross domain providers.
关 键 词: 在线服务市场; Web 服务交易; 云解决
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2021-06-27:zyk
最后编审: 2021-06-27:zyk
阅读次数: 41