

Politics in 60 seconds. Passive revolution
课程网址: http://unow.nottingham.ac.uk/resources/resource.aspx?hid=ca1d1723...  
主讲教师: Dr Adam Morton
开课单位: 诺丁汉大学
开课时间: 2017-03-31
课程语种: 英语
Adam Morton博士在60秒内为那些有空闲时间学习新东西的人定义了一个政治概念。这部视频广播侧重于被动革命作为一种政治概念。警告:视频确实包含bloopers和out take。 2010年5月适合本科学习和社区教育Adam Morton博士,政治与国际关系学院Adam Morton博士是政治与国际关系学院社会与全球正义研究中心(CSSGJ)的高级讲师和研究员在诺丁汉大学。在加入诺丁汉大学之前,他是兰开斯特大学政治与国际关系系讲师(2002-5),威尔士大学国际政治系经济与社会研究委员会(ESRC)博士后研究员。 ,阿伯里斯特威斯(2001-2)。他擅长政治经济学,国家理论,历史社会学,全球化和发展等主题。 Adam Morton博士于2008年获得了首届“拉丁美洲观点访问奖学金”,其中包括加州大学河滨分校与拉丁美洲观点期刊相关的一段时间。他的专着已出版在着名的系列丛书中,其期刊出版物包括“国际研究季刊”,“农民研究期刊”,“千年:国际研究期刊”,“新政治经济学”,“国际政治经济学评论”,“国际研究评论”等文章。第三世界季刊。莫顿博士的出版作品也被翻译成西班牙语,意大利语,葡萄牙语 - 巴西语,德语和日语。
课程简介: Dr Adam Morton defines a polical concept in 60 seconds for those with a spare minute to learn something new. This videocast focuses on passive revolution as a political concept. Warning: video does contain bloopers and out takes. May 2010 Suitable for Undergraduate study and Community education Dr Adam Morton, School of Politics and International Relations Dr Adam Morton is a Senior Lecturer and Fellow of the Centre for the Study of Social and Global Justice (CSSGJ) in the School of Politics and International Relations at The University of Nottingham. Before joining the University of Nottingham, he was a Lecturer in the Department of Politics and International Relations at Lancaster University (2002-5) and an Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of International Politics at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth (2001-2). He specialises in the themes of political economy, state theory, historical sociology, globalisation and development. Dr Adam Morton was awarded the inaugural 'Latin American Perspectives Visiting Fellowship' in 2008 which involved a period of affiliation at the University of California, Riverside linked to the journal Latin American Perspectives. His monographs have been published in prominent book series and his journal publications include articles inter alia in International Studies Quarterly, Journal of Peasant Studies, Millennium: Journal of International Studies, New Political Economy, Review of International Political Economy, Review of International Studies, and Third World Quarterly. Dr Morton's published work has also been translated into Spanish, Italian, Portuguese-Brazilian, German and Japanese.
关 键 词: 政治; 被动革命; 国际关系
课程来源: 诺丁汉大学公开课
最后编审: 2020-09-26:yumf
阅读次数: 78