
Back-bench rebels
课程网址: http://unow.nottingham.ac.uk/resources/resource.aspx?hid=d7d6a67c...  
主讲教师: Cowley, Philip J.
开课单位: 诺丁汉大学
开课时间: 2017-03-31
课程语种: 英语
菲利普考利,大学政治与国际关系学院的读者,最近被提名为纽约时报高年级研究员。在这个播客中,菲利普讨论了他对英国议会内部后台叛乱的研究。菲利普将他的研究描述为实践政治,将学术研究与政治辩论的现实世界联系起来。自2005年5月英国工党以66名国会议员减少多数席位而连任以来,一些后备工党议员继续投票反对他们的政党,由首相托尼·布莱尔领导。这迫使英国政府就一系列立法作出一系列让步。选举结束后,人们普遍预计,工党党员的人数将减少多数,他们必须拖走党内路线。菲利普讨论了他对替补席行为的研究,强调英国后备板球议员传统上比许多人所期望的更叛逆。菲利普还讨论了银行法庭起义背后的问题,特别强调后台叛乱现在处于战后高位 - 具有讽刺意味的是,1997年的新工党政府被认定不是“分裂”。像约翰·梅杰领导的前任保守党政府一样。菲利普还讨论了托尼布莱尔宣布他将辞去工党领袖的影响,以及这是否影响了反抗的频率。
课程简介: Philip Cowley, Reader in the University’s School of Politics and International Relations, was recently nominated for the Times Higher young researcher of the year award. In this podcast, Philip discusses his research into back bench rebellions within the British parliament. Philip describes his research as practical politics, linking academic research to the real world of political debate. Since the British Labour party’s re-election with a reduced majority of 66 MPs in May 2005, some back bench Labour MPs have continued to vote against their own party, led by Prime Minister Tony Blair. This has forced the British government to make a series of concessions on a range of legislation. After the election, it was widely anticipated that Labour party MPs, with a reduced majority, would have to tow the party line. Philip discusses his research into back bench behaviour, highlighting that the British back bench MPs have traditionally been more rebellious than many people may expect. Philip also discusses the issues behind the bank bench revolts, in particular highlighting that back bench rebellions are now at a post war high–ironically, as the new Labour government of 1997 was determined not to be a ‘split’ party like the previous Conservative government led by John Major. Philip also discusses the impact of the Tony Blair’s announcement that he will step down as leader of the Labour party, and whether this has affected the frequency of revolts.
关 键 词: 国际关系; 英国议会; 现实政治
课程来源: 诺丁汉大学公开课
最后编审: 2020-09-26:yumf
阅读次数: 64