
Transitional Spaces: From Critical Spatial Practice to Site-Writing
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/igorzabelseries_rendell_spatial_practice...  
主讲教师: Jane Rendell
开课单位: 伦敦大学
开课时间: 2017-05-11
课程语种: 英语

本次演讲探讨了“批判性空间实践”,这是我在 2002 年引入的一个术语,指的是超越艺术和建筑界限以融入社会和审美以及公共和私人之间的间隙空间的城市干预措施.批判性空间实践提请注意在艺术与建筑之间运作的跨学科过程的批判性,但也特别是空间方面。我讨论了从业者 muf 和 transparadiso 的项目,然后再修改今天的关键空间实践,参考了表演性和时间性。我描述了如何通过情境批评对批判性空间实践进行解释,从而引发了我目前的“现场写作”实践。阅读 May Mourn,这是一部涉及福利国家建筑历史的文本作品,摘自我关于过渡空间的新书,最后解决了当前的伦敦住房危机。

课程简介: This talk explores “critical spatial practice”, a term I introduced in 2002 to refer to urban interventions that transgress the limits of art and architecture to engage with the social and the aesthetic, as well as the interstitial spaces between public and private. Critical spatial practice draws attention to the critical, but also the specifically spatial aspects of interdisciplinary processes operating between art and architecture. I discuss projects by practitioners muf and transparadiso, before reworking critical spatial practice for today, making reference to the performative and the temporal. I describe how performing interpretations of critical spatial practice through a situated criticism gave rise to my current practice of “site-writing”. A reading of May Mourn, a text-work which deals with the history of welfare state architecture, taken from my new book on transitional spaces, concludes by addressing the current London housing crisis.
关 键 词: 批判性空间实践; 情境批评; 现场写作
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2021-08-19:nkq
最后编审: 2021-08-19:nkq
阅读次数: 47