
Storefront for Art and Architecture, New York, USA
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/institutionalact2013_gilabert_storefront...  
主讲教师: Eva Franch i Gilabert
开课单位: 临街屋艺术与建筑事务所
开课时间: 2013-05-27
课程语种: 英语

Storefront for Art and Architecture 成立于 1982 年,是一家非营利组织,致力于提升建筑、艺术和设计领域的创新职位。我们的展览、艺术家讲座、电影放映、会议和出版物计划旨在促进跨越地理、意识形态和学科界限的对话与合作。作为新兴声音的公共论坛,Storefront 探索艺术和建筑中的重要问题,旨在提高人们对当代设计的认识和兴趣。

Storefront 自成立三年以来一直保持着重要的地位。地方、国家和国际设计社区通过不断创新和实验性的编程,并且仍然是纽约唯一的替代平台之一,主要关注建筑和建筑环境。店面位于纽约市唐人街/小意大利/苏荷区肯梅尔街上一个独特的三角形地面空间。店面位于三个截然不同的文化部门之间的主要市中心大道上,吸引了不同的观众。画廊近 100 英尺长,从西端的 20 英尺到 3 英尺逐渐变细。

课程简介: Founded in 1982, Storefront for Art and Architecture is a nonprofit organization committed to the advancement of innovative positions in architecture, art and design. Our program of exhibitions, artists talks, film screenings, conferences and publications is intended to generate dialogue and collaboration across geographic, ideological and disciplinary boundaries. As a public forum for emerging voices, Storefront explores vital issues in art and architecture with the intent of increasing awareness of and interest in contemporary design. Three decades since its founding, Storefront has maintained an important position among the local, national, and international design communities through consistently innovative and experimental programming, and remains one of New York’s only alternative platforms focusing primarily on architecture and the built environment. Storefront is located in a unique triangular ground-level space on Kenmare Street in the Chinatown/Little Italy/Soho area of New York City. Situated on a major downtown thoroughfare between three radically different cultural sectors, Storefront attracts a diverse audience. Nearly 100 feet long, the gallery tapers from 20 feet to 3 feet at its west end.
关 键 词: 建筑店面; 美国纽约; 艺术
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2021-08-19:nkq
最后编审: 2021-08-19:nkq
阅读次数: 25