
Launching Innovation in Schools
课程网址: https://ocw.mit.edu/resources/res-cms-154-launching-innovation-in...  
主讲教师: Prof. Justin Reich; Dr. Peter Senge
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2019-03-01
课程语种: 英语
每一位伟大的老师和每一所伟大的学校都在不断努力为学生创造更好的学习环境。正如我们希望我们的学生成为终身学习者一样,我们作为教育者也应该不断学习和提高。本教育课程面向各类学校领导(从教师领导到校长再到主管),他们正在学校开展创新,开始共同努力改进教学。 你将完成一个学习、实验和反思的周期,以获得领导教学改进工作的信心和技能。通过体验性活动和任务,您将开始与同事合作,为您的团队或组织设想下一阶段的工作,启动新的计划,并衡量您的进展。基于Justin Reich教授和Peter Senge博士的工作,本课程将侧重于愿景和能力建设,重点是在多个层面上与利益相关者进行合作和建立伙伴关系。 课程结束时,您将开始在学校或学习环境中启动教学改进计划,您将更好地了解自己作为领导者和变革推动者的身份。你将与同样承担这项重要工作的同事建立联系。 本课程是开放学习图书馆的一部分,免费使用。如果您想跟踪自己的进度,您可以选择注册并注册课程,也可以不注册就查看和使用所有材料。
课程简介: Every great teacher and every great school constantly work towards creating better learning conditions for students. Just as we hope our students become lifelong learners, we as educators should be constantly learning and improving. This education course is for school leaders of all kinds (from teacher-leaders to principals to superintendents) who are launching innovation in schools—starting new efforts to work together to improve teaching and learning. You will complete a cycle of study, experimentation, and reflection to gain confidence and skills to lead instructional improvement efforts. Through experiential activities and assignments, you will begin working with colleagues to envision the next level of work for your team or organization, to launch a new initiative, and to measure your progress along the way. Based on the work of Prof. Justin Reich and Dr. Peter Senge, this course will focus on visioning and capacity-building, with an emphasis on collaboration and building partnerships with stakeholders at multiple levels. At the end of the course, you will have started the process of launching an instructional improvement initiative in your school or learning environment, and you will better understand yourself as a leader and change agent. You will have made connections with peers who are also undertaking this important work. This course is part of the Open Learning Library, which is free to use. You have the option to sign up and enroll in the course if you want to track your progress, or you can view and use all the materials without enrolling.
关 键 词: 学校领导; 体验性活动; 愿景和能力建设
课程来源: 麻省理工学院公开课
数据采集: 2021-09-28:nkq
最后编审: 2021-09-28:nkq
阅读次数: 30