
MIT Little Devices Lab
课程网址: https://ocw.mit.edu/resources/res-hst-001-mit-little-devices-lab-...  
主讲教师: Jose Gomez-Marquez; Anna Young
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2021-10-07
课程语种: 英语
麻省理工学院小设备实验室与发展中国家的医疗专业人员合作,创造出负担得起的医疗卫生技术。这些医疗保健专业人员中有大量是护士,被称为“隐形创新者”、“保姆”和“麦基弗护士”。(Rice,S.“护士设计自己的创新”,《现代医疗》,2015年10月17日)。 Little Devices Lab通过向这些发明者发送带有模块化零件和材料的工具包来帮助他们发明和制造他们自己定制的、经济高效的医疗设备,从而为他们提供支持。然后,他们可以解决特定于患者和工作环境的挑战,应用范围从诊断到微流体到药物输送。 与“面包板”如何让人们更容易地制造自己的电子产品类似,该实验室的一个项目涉及创建一个生物化学“面包板”,其中包含一组即插即用的模块,用于构建纸质分析设备,医疗工作者可以使用这些模块进行符合他们需求的诊断测试。 在Little Devices Lab的网站上,用户可以找到关于该实验室正在进行的项目和研究的更多细节、关于其工作的视频演示,以及一些成员的出版物。
课程简介: The MIT Little Devices Lab collaborates with healthcare professionals in developing countries to create affordable health and medical technologies. A large number of these healthcare professionals are nurses, and have been described as “stealth innovators,” “NurseMakers,” and “MacGyver Nurses.” (Rice, S. "Nurses Devise Their Own Innovations." Modern Healthcare, 17 Oct., 2015). The Little Devices Lab helps support these inventors by sending them kits with the modular parts and materials to invent and build their own customized, cost-effective medical devices. They can then solve challenges specific to their patients and work environments, for a range of applications from diagnostics to microfluidics to drug delivery. Similar to how breadboards enabled people to more easily build their own electronics, one of the lab’s projects involved creating a biochemical breadboard with plug-and-play sets of blocks for building paper analytical devices, which healthcare workers can use to make diagnostic tests that meet their needs. On the Little Devices Lab’s site, users will find more details about the lab's ongoing projects and research, video presentations about its work, and several of its members' publications.
关 键 词: 医疗卫生技术; 模块化零件; 生物化学
课程来源: 麻省理工学院公开课
数据采集: 2021-09-28:nkq
最后编审: 2021-09-28:nkq
阅读次数: 52