

Visual Navigation for Autonomous Vehicles (VNAV)
课程网址: https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/aeronautics-and-astronautics/16-485-v...  
主讲教师: Prof. Luca Carlone; Kasra Khosoussi; Markus Ryll; Golnaz Habibi; Vasileios Tzuomas; Rajat Talak
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2020-10-01
课程语种: 英语
课程简介: This course covers the mathematical foundations and state-of-the-art implementations of algorithms for vision-based navigation of autonomous vehicles (e.g., mobile robots, self-driving cars, drones). It provides students with a rigorous but pragmatic overview of differential geometry and optimization on manifolds and knowledge of the fundamentals of 2-view and multi-view geometric vision for real-time motion estimation, calibration, localization, and mapping. The theoretical foundations are complemented with hands-on labs based on state-of-the-art mini racecar and drone platforms. It culminates in a critical review of recent advances in the field and a team project aimed at advancing the state of the art.
关 键 词: 自动驾驶车辆; 微分几何; 流形优化概述
课程来源: 麻省理工学院公开课
数据采集: 2021-10-04:nkq
最后编审: 2021-10-04:nkq
阅读次数: 147