
Could we control our climate?
课程网址: https://www.open.edu/openlearn/science-maths-technology/could-we-...  
主讲教师: Dr Tamsin Edwards
开课单位: 英国开放大学
开课时间: 2021-03-31
课程语种: 英语
人类正面临着我们时代的全球挑战——气候危机——我们需要激进的创造性思维来应对。太空中的巨大镜子和人工火山喷发只是两个被提出的想法。 你会采取什么行动来限制未来的变暖并拯救地球?对社会会有什么后果? 在这个自由的课程中,你将想象一个未来,人类已经采取了激进的行动来应对气候危机:通过设计气候,使用技术来“设置地球的恒温器刻度盘”。这将有助于你了解人类应对气候危机的许多问题。 你将学习气候科学数学的基础知识,这样你就能理解问题的本质,然后继续思考潜在的工程解决方案。在这样做的时候,你会考虑五个广泛的问题: 什么是“气候工程”? 为什么要控制气候? 我们如何控制气候? 我们应该控制气候吗? 我们会控制气候吗? 本课程将培养你在线学习的信心和技能,无论是探索环境主题还是作为你准备其他学习的一部分。 这个开放学习科学课程是由EXIARCH基金会的教育机构Dangoor教育的支持。
课程简介: Humanity is facing the global challenge of our time – climate crisis – and we need radical creative thinking to tackle it. Giant mirrors in space and artificial volcanic eruptions are just two ideas being proposed. What action would you take to limit future warming and save the planet? And what would be the consequences for society? In this free course you will imagine a future in which humanity has taken radical action to tackle the climate crisis: by engineering the climate, using technology to ‘set the thermostat dial’ of the planet. This will help you understand many issues around humanity’s response to the climate crisis. You will learn a basic grounding in the maths of climate science, so you can understand the nature of the problem, then move on to think about potential engineering solutions. In doing so, you will consider five broad questions: What is ‘engineering the climate’? Why engineer the climate? How could we engineer the climate? Should we engineer the climate? Will we engineer the climate? This course will develop your confidence and skills for online study, whether this is to explore environmental topics or as part of your preparation for other study. This OpenLearn science course was produced with the kind support of Dangoor Education, the educational arm of The Exilarch's Foundation.
关 键 词: 气候危机; 创造性思维; 环境主题
课程来源: 英国开放大学公开课
数据采集: 2021-10-05:nkq
最后编审: 2021-10-05:nkq
阅读次数: 51