
Values-Based Leadership
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_mcdonald_leadership/  
主讲教师: Robert McDonald
开课单位: 宝洁
开课时间: 2014-01-12
课程语种: 英语
罗伯特·麦克唐纳从西点军校起家,从军生涯,并以严谨的方式提炼关键的人生经历,指导他在宝洁公司工作了20年。McDonald建议建立一个深思熟虑的自我检查系统,以明确自己的信念,他认为这对强有力的领导至关重要。 McDonald描述了一个“接触我的文化、经历、教育和家庭”的持续过程,以发现他的价值观,他将其记录下来,并随着时间的推移进行修改。他相信“组织中的人喜欢为一个可预测的领导者工作”,他们理解他的期望。从童子军和军事学院等早期经历中得出的一些麦当劳的关键信念至今仍保持不变。他认为“由目标驱动的生活比没有方向的漫无目的的生活更有意义、更有回报。”他说,这与宝洁的目标声明很好地吻合:改善世界消费者的生活。麦克唐纳说:“我认为我的人生目标是帮助别人。” 其他一些关键信念:“每个人都想成功,成功是有传染性的。”没有人想失败,一个好的领导者会让人们从事正确的工作,做他们擅长的工作。这也意味着,当计划出错或崩溃时,领导者“即使在我们无法控制的情况下也要对事情负责”。McDonald还认为“组织必须自我更新”,这意味着领导者必须提供发展机会,并认识到成功不仅来自于强大,还来自于适应性强、为变革做好准备。他提供的最后一个信念是,对领导者性格的真正考验“不是当你在那里时,而是当你不在那里时,在一个组织中发生了什么。”好的领导者在他们周围建立了足够的能力,因此组织“能承受你的离开”。魅力固然不错,但“我们不喜欢英雄式的领导者。” 对于那些寻找目标的人,McDonald推荐这种实用的书面练习:列出你所属的组织及其主要价值观;记下从家庭中吸取的教训、难忘的生活和教育经历;然后把它变成一套信念。
课程简介: A West Point start, army career, and a disciplined approach to distilling key life experiences has guided Robert McDonald through his 20 years at Procter & Gamble. McDonald recommends a deliberate system of self-examination that results in an articulation of beliefs, which he sees as essential to strong leadership. McDonald describes an ongoing process of “getting in touch with my culture, experiences, education, family” to discover his values, which he writes down, and revises over time. He believes that “people in an organization like to work for a leader who’s predictable,” and whose expectations they understand. Some of McDonald’s key beliefs, drawn from such early experiences as the Boy Scouts, and the military academy, continue to hold true to this day. He feels that “leading a life driven by purpose leads to a more meaningful and rewarding life than meandering without direction.” This has meshed nicely, he says, with P&G’s statement of purpose: to improve the lives of the world’s consumers. Says McDonald, “I think my purpose in life is to help other people.” Some other key beliefs: “Everybody wants to succeed, and success is contagious.” Nobody wants to fail, and a good leader puts people in the right jobs, doing work they are good at. This also means that leaders “take responsibility for things even when they’re beyond our control,” when plans go awry or collapse. McDonald also believes that “organizations have to renew themselves,” which means leaders must provide development opportunities, and recognize that success comes not just from being strong but being adaptable, prepared for change. The final belief he offers is that a true test of a leader’s character “isn’t what happens in an organization when you’re there, but when you’re not there.” Good leaders build sufficient capability around them, so the organization “can withstand your leaving.” Charismatic is fine, but “we don’t like heroic leaders.” For those searching for purpose, McDonald recommends this practical written exercise: list organizations to which you belong, and their dominant values; note lessons learned from your family, memorable life and educational experiences; then turn this into a set of beliefs.
关 键 词: 基于价值观的领导力; 目标驱动; 信念
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2021-10-05:zkj
最后编审: 2021-10-15:zkj
阅读次数: 87