

History of Architecture and Art, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/notmorenotless2011_ursprung_eth/  
主讲教师: Philip Ursprung
开课单位: 苏黎世理工大学建筑历史与理论研究所
开课时间: 2011-04-22
课程语种: 英语
菲利普·厄斯普隆(Philip Ursprung)是一位瑞士评论家和策展人,在过去的20年里,他成功地在艺术和建筑领域之间穿梭。 他在日内瓦、维也纳和柏林接受艺术历史学家的培训,由于他一贯具有挑衅性的写作,他很快成为公认的Flosus、Minimal Art和Land Art方面的专家之一。 他不愿永远埋葬在艺术史的档案馆里,一直是当代艺术的细心观察者。 除了为一些尖端的艺术杂志从事艺术评论外,他还担任过瑞士公共建筑艺术投稿比赛的评委,并在德语世界帮助更新了有点古板的昆斯特am Bau概念。 由于经常接触建筑,建筑学作为他的一个研究领域变得越来越重要。 当他在蒙特雷亚尔的加拿大建筑中心担任客座馆长时,他策划了展览Herzog&de Meuron:思想考古学,并编辑了相应的目录Herzog&de Meuron:自然历史(2002年),这两个项目的成就都是开创性的,因为它们重新定义了建筑展览和专题目录的各自流派。 他曾在苏黎世理工学院和格施希特建筑学院任教,因此能够关注在该校任教的建筑师的教学活动,如Josep Luis Mateo、Adam Caruso或Andrea Deplazes,他多次评论他们的工作。 由于他对艺术和建筑的双重迷恋,菲利普·厄斯普隆(Philip Ursprung)特别容易接受建筑师和艺术家的做法,这些做法并不容易与各自学科的制度法则相兼容。 因此,我们非常高兴地欢迎他为本次研讨会作闭幕发言。
课程简介: Philip Ursprung is a Swiss critic and curator who has been successfully commuting between the realms of art and architecture in the past 20 years. Trained as an art-historian in Geneva, Vienna and Berlin, he soon became one of the acknowledged experts on Fluxus, Minimal Art and Land Art thanks to his consistently provocative writing. Unwilling to bury himself in the archives of art history for good, he has been an attentive observer of contemporary art. Apart from engaging in art criticism for a number of cutting-edge art magazines, he has worked as a juror of competitions for artistic contributions to public buildings in Switzerland and was instrumental in updating the somewhat quaint concept of Kunst am Bau in the German-speaking world. As a consequence of this constant exposure to buildings, architecture became increasingly important as an area of study for him. When he worked as a visiting curator at the Canadian Centre for Architecture in Montréal he curated the exhibition Herzog & de Meuron: Archeology of the Mind and edited the corresponding catalogue Herzog & de Meuron: Natural History (2002), both projects were seminal in their achievement, as they redefined the respective genres of an architecture exhibition and a monographic catalogue. Having taught at the Institut für Geschichte and Theorie der Architektur of ETH Zurich, he was able to follow the pedagogical activities of architects teaching at the school such as Josep Luis Mateo, Adam Caruso or Andrea Deplazes whose work he has repeatedley commented upon. Thanks to his double infatuation with art and architecture, Philip Ursprung has been particularly receptive to practices of architects and artists that are not readily compatible with the institutional laws of their respective disciplines. Therefore we could not be happier to welcome him now to give the closing talk of this symposium.
关 键 词: 建筑与艺术史; 瑞士苏黎世; 建筑学
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2021-10-06:zkj
最后编审: 2021-10-15:zkj
阅读次数: 71