
Landscapes for the Anthropocene: More-Than-Human Dialogues Between Landscape and Architecture
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/matchmaking2016_torres_campos_ideas/  
主讲教师: Tiago Torres-Campos
开课单位: CNTXT工作室
开课时间: 2016-03-21
课程语种: 英语
我们人类已经成为一股推动变革的地质力量,但我们很难领会这一变化的后果。 这些项目调查潜在的对话,调解人类和非人类之间的网络。 人类世是指人类已经成为改变地球的主要地质力量的当代地质时代。 我们移动的地球和土壤是所有海洋、河流和湖泊加起来的两倍多。 我们改变了高处的大气,深处的岩石,以及介于两者之间的一切。 作为物种和机构,我们对我们变化的后果的适应程度如何? 建筑能不能不再仅仅是对变化的一种反应,而成为与人类以外的许多世界的命题对话? 我们的风景可能是人类与非人类之间最珍贵的相遇。 他们可以在比人类更多的世界中扮演迷人而有意义的镜头、方法论、叙事或调解人的角色。 在纽约、湄公河和里约热内卢,这些都是截然不同的投机作品,关注的是人类在一些最有价值的当代景观中寻找立足点的过程。
课程简介: We, humans, have become a geologic force of change, but we struggle to grasp the consequences of that. These projects investigate potential dialogues mediating networks of humans and non-humans. Anthropocene refers to the contemporary geological epoch in which humans have become the dominant geologic force altering the planet. We move more than twice the earth and soil than all oceans, seas, rivers and lakes together. We change the atmosphere way up high, the rock deep down and everything in between. How attuned are we—as species and agency—to the consequences of our changes? Can Architecture stop being just a reaction to change to become also a propositional dialogue with the many worlds beyond humanity? Our landscapes are perhaps some of the most precious encounters between humanity and non-humanity. They can act as engaging and meaningful lens, methodology, narrative or mediator in more-than-human worlds. These are distinct speculative works—in New York, the Mekong River and Rio de Janeiro—focusing on the human quest for a grounding in some of our most valuable contemporary landscapes. More about the project HERE.
关 键 词: 人类世的景观; 景观与建筑; 人类的对话
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2021-10-07:zkj
最后编审: 2021-10-15:zkj
阅读次数: 52