
No Future: Architectural Practice for the Living Present
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/matchmaking2016_echanove_ideas/  
主讲教师: Matias Echanove
开课单位: URBZ
开课时间: 2016-03-21
课程语种: 英语
建筑实践必须把未来抛在脑后,而不是抓住现在。 与其说建筑没有未来,不如说未来的概念本身已经不合时宜。 我们面对的不是未来,而是我们愚蠢地创造的混乱世界。 我们曾经构思建筑的方式,我们使用的工具,它的语言似乎完全不适合解决大多数人在这个时代面临的问题。 处理现在的最好方法是接受这样一个事实,即我们不能建造通向未来的道路,我们必须面对世界的现状--混乱、不可预测、有毒。 处理这一问题的创造力和远见卓识不亚于在一张白纸上描绘未来。 我们必须务实、大胆、乐观,学习建筑实践之外的涌现形式,从中汲取灵感。
课程简介: Architectural practice must leave the future behind and instead seize the present. It is not so much that architecture doesn't have a future, but it is the notion of the future itself which has become anachronistic. Instead of a future, we are left to cope with the messy world we have foolishly generated. The way we once conceived of architecture, the tools we used, its very language seem totally ill-fitted to address the issues that most people are confronted with in this day and age. The best way to deal with the present is to accept that that we can’t build our way into the future, and that we must engage with the world as it is - messed up, unpredictable, toxic. Dealing with this no less creativity and foresight than drawing the future on a blank page. We must be pragmatic, daring and optimistic, and learn from forms of emergence that are outside the scope of architectural practice and draw inspiration from them.
关 键 词: 建筑实践; 未来的概念; 创造力
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2021-10-07:zkj
最后编审: 2021-10-15:liyy
阅读次数: 38