
Architecture of Commons: How to Live (Al)Together?
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/matchmaking2016_bedir_ideas/  
主讲教师: Merve Bedir
开课单位: 土地+文明构成
开课时间: 2016-03-21
课程语种: 英语
未来的建筑应该寻找共同生活的方式,因为所有的权力结构和资本主义形态都会让我们彼此越来越疏远。 主流话语每天都在通过基于恐惧和骄傲的种族主义政治、个人主义经济以及嵌入我们高度“联系”的日常生活中的技术先进设备,推动我们彼此疏远。 如何在一起生活是一个行动的问题,是一个不顾分歧而团结在一起的问题。 这是一个关于危机中的民族国家的问题,背离了在土耳其建造难民厨房的想法。 这是一个危机中的教育问题,与中国的学院项目理念背道而驰。 这是一个关于处于危机中的社会的问题,背离了美国邻里中心的想法。 这是一个缺失什么的问题,一个日常乌托邦的问题。 本报告将讨论公共建筑,无论它们是物理结构还是跨学科的空间组织,并试图在这方面为未来的建筑指明一些更多的问题。
课程简介: Future architecture should look for ways of living (al)together, as all power structures and capitalist formations push us more and more away from each other. The dominant discourse is pushing us away from each other everyday, through racist politics based on fear and pride, individualist economics and technologically advanced devices embedded in our highly 'connected' daily lives. How to live (al)together is a question of action, about gathering in spite of our differences. It is a question about the nation state in crisis, departing from the idea of a refugee kitchen in Turkey. It is a question about education in crisis, departing from the idea of an academy program in China. It is a question about society in crisis, departing from the idea of a neighbourhood center in US. It is a question of what is missing, a question of everyday utopia. This presentation will discuss architectures of commons, whether they are physical structures or transdisciplinary organisations of space and try to direct some more questions in this regard for future architecture.
关 键 词: 公共建筑; 共同生活; 乌托邦
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2021-10-07:zkj
最后编审: 2021-10-15:zkj
阅读次数: 50