16.00x航空航天工程导论:航天学与载人航天16.00xIntroduction to Aerospace Engineering: Astronautics and Human Spaceflight |
课程网址: | https://openlearninglibrary.mit.edu/courses/course-v1:MITx+16.00x... |
主讲教师: | Jeffrey Hoffman |
开课单位: | 麻省理工学院 |
开课时间: | 2020-01-01 |
课程语种: | 英语 |
中文简介: | 太空飞行是令人兴奋的,你不必是一个“火箭科学家”来分享这种兴奋!16.00x让每个人都能接触到太空飞行的基本知识。加入麻省理工学院教授杰弗里·霍夫曼(Jeffrey Hoffman)的行列,他是美国宇航局(NASA)的前宇航员,曾进行过五次太空飞行,也是第一位在航天飞机上飞行1000小时的宇航员,他将教你太空旅行和探索背后的核心原则。本课程将涵盖火箭如何工作、航天器如何在轨道上运行、我们如何在航天器内创造人工环境以保持宇航员的生存和健康、生活在没有重力的世界中是什么样子、人体如何适应太空、太空行走是如何发生的等等。霍夫曼教授在太空的亲身经历将说明许多教训。 |
课程简介: | Spaceflight is exciting, and you don’t have to be a “Rocket Scientist” to share in the excitement! 16.00x makes the basics of spaceflight accessible to everyone. Join MIT Professor Jeffrey Hoffman, a former NASA astronaut who made five spaceflights and was the first astronaut to log 1000 hours on the Space Shuttle, as he teaches you the core principles behind space travel and exploration. The course will cover how rockets work, how spacecraft move in orbit, how we create artificial environments inside spacecraft to keep astronauts alive and healthy, what it’s like living in a world without gravity, how the human body adapts to space, and how spacewalks happen, plus more. Many lessons will be illustrated with Professor Hoffman’s own experiences in space. |
关 键 词: | 16.00x; 太空飞行; 火箭 |
课程来源: | 麻省理工学院公开课 |
数据采集: | 2021-10-12:nkq |
最后编审: | 2021-10-12:nkq |
阅读次数: | 101 |