
Business and Impact Planning for Social Enterprises
课程网址: https://openlearninglibrary.mit.edu/courses/course-v1:MITx+0.Solv...  
主讲教师: Anjali Sastry
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2021-01-01
课程语种: 英语
世界各地的人们都在创新,以解决社区中的社会和环境问题。在过去的十年中,出现了像麻省理工学院Solve这样的新项目来支持这些社会企业家,并推动伙伴关系以加速其影响。然而,许多初创公司发现,很难制定明确传达其工作和影响的商业计划,而这正是获得资金和其他增长机会的关键因素。 这门为期六周的课程有助于早期社会影响初创公司定义其业务的三个关键方面: 影响机会:您正在处理的问题的规模有多大?有多少人受到影响?你会产生什么影响? 客户发现:您的解决方案将服务于哪些特定群体,以及它将如何影响他们的生活?你如何更好地理解这个群体? 变革理论:你如何确保你的工作解决了你正在解决的问题?你的方法有什么独特之处? 规模战略:你如何接触更多的人来扩大你的积极影响?您将从何处获得扩张所需的资金? 每周,我们将深入研究世界各地领先的社会企业家以及非营利和营利企业的案例。在这些研究的基础上,我们将帮助您思考自己的社会商业模式和影响计划。完成本课程后,您将思考您对五个核心商业模式和影响问题的回答。这些答案可以用来衡量你的影响力,并向麻省理工学院Solve开放创新平台提交申请。 如果以下任何标准适用于您,您可能是本课程的优秀候选人: 您正在考虑申请Solve的一项挑战或另一项社会影响创新计划,并正在寻求创建和完成该应用程序的建议。 你正在解决一个重要的社会或环境问题,需要帮助来描述和发展你的工作。 你正在开始一个社会或环境问题的想法或解决方案,需要培训或技能发展来设计和分享你的目标。
课程简介: People in every corner of the world are innovating to solve social and environmental problems in their communities. In the past decade, new programs like MIT Solve have emerged to support those social entrepreneurs and drive partnerships to accelerate their impact. However, many startups find it difficult to develop business plans that clearly communicate their work and impact — vital factors in securing funding and other growth opportunities. This six-week course helps early-stage social impact startups define three key aspects of their business: Impact Opportunity: What is the scale of the problem you are working on? How many people are impacted? and What impact might you make? Customer Discovery: What specific group will your solution serve, and how will it impact their lives? How can you better understand this group? Theory of Change: How can you be sure that your work addresses the problem you’re solving? How is your approach unique? Strategy for Scale: How can you reach more people to scale your positive impact? Where will you gain the funding needed to expand? Each week, we will dive into case studies from leading social entrepreneurs and both nonprofit and for-profit enterprises around the world. Building off these studies, we will help you think through your own social business model and impact plan. Upon completing this course, you will have thought about your responses to five core business model and impact questions. These answers can be used to scale your impact moving forward and to submit an application to MIT Solve’s open innovation platform. You may be a good candidate for this course if any of the following criteria apply to you: You are considering applying to one of Solve’s Challenges or to another social impact innovation program and are seeking advice to create and complete the application. You are solving an important social or environmental problem and need help to describe and develop your work. You are starting on an idea or solution to a social or environmental problem and need training or skills development to design and share your goals.
关 键 词: 创新; 初创公司; 非营利和营利企业
课程来源: 麻省理工学院公开课
数据采集: 2021-10-12:nkq
最后编审: 2021-10-12:nkq
阅读次数: 49