
Nuclear Energy: Science, Systems and Society
课程网址: https://openlearninglibrary.mit.edu/courses/course-v1:MITx+22.011...  
主讲教师: Jacopo Buongiorno; Anne White; Michael Short; John Parsons
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2019-01-01
课程语种: 英语
《核能:科学、系统和社会》介绍核能和辐射的基本物理学,重点介绍核能作为低碳解决方案的独特属性和挑战。将引入电离辐射的和平应用以帮助人类,例如用于材料科学研究、核医学和安全倡议的反应堆。 本课程将探索裂变能,建立裂变反应堆的科学、工程和经济基础,并将描述核反应堆技术的最新水平。 我们还将学习磁聚变能量研究,讲座内容包括托卡马克的科学和工程基础、世界聚变实验的最新进展以及麻省理工学院的高磁场聚变反应堆愿景。 此外,本课程还包括一个可选的实践部分,您将能够获得辐射探测器,并使用它们探索周围世界的辐射,使用在线提供的指导练习。
课程简介: Nuclear Energy: Science, Systems and Society offers an introduction to the basic physics of nuclear energy and radiation, with an emphasis on the unique attributes and challenges of nuclear energy as a low-carbon solution. Peaceful applications of ionizing radiation to help mankind, such as reactors for materials science research, nuclear medicine, and security initiatives, will be introduced. The course will explore fission energy, establishing the scientific, engineering, and economic basis for fission reactors, and will describe the state of the art in nuclear reactor technology. We will also learn about magnetic fusion energy research, with lectures covering the scientific and engineering basis of tokamaks, the state of the art in world fusion experiments, and the MIT vision for high-magnetic field fusion reactor. In addition, the course also includes an optional hands-on section, where you will be able to acquire radiation detectors and use them to explore radiation in the world around them, using guided exercises available on-line.
关 键 词: 核能; 辐射; 基本物理学
课程来源: 麻省理工学院公开课
数据采集: 2021-10-12:nkq
最后编审: 2021-10-12:nkq
阅读次数: 49