

Fat Chance: Probability from the Ground Up
课程网址: https://online-learning.harvard.edu/course/fat-chance-probability...  
主讲教师: Benedict Gross; Joseph Harris; Emily Riehl
开课单位: 哈佛大学
开课时间: 2021-02-10
课程语种: 英语
Fat Chance专为那些对概率研究不熟悉的人,或是那些在参加大学统计课程之前寻求对核心概念进行平易近人的回顾的人而创建,Fat Chance优先发展数学思维模式,而不是死记硬背术语和公式。通过高度直观的教训和指导实践,本课程通过将概率和统计追溯到计数原理的基础上,探究概率背后的定量推理和数学的累积性质。 在模块1和2中,将向您介绍基本的计数技能,这些技能将贯穿整个课程。在模块3中,您将把这些技能应用于概率中的简单问题。在模块4到模块6中,您将探索如何调整这些想法和技术,以回答更大范围的概率问题。最后,在模块7中,您将通过期望值、方差和正态分布的概念了解统计学。您将看到如何在难以计算其精确值的情况下使用这些想法来近似概率。
课程简介: Created specifically for those who are new to the study of probability, or for those who are seeking an approachable review of core concepts prior to enrolling in a college-level statistics course, Fat Chance prioritizes the development of a mathematical mode of thought over rote memorization of terms and formulae. Through highly visual lessons and guided practice, this course explores the quantitative reasoning behind probability and the cumulative nature of mathematics by tracing probability and statistics back to a foundation in the principles of counting.  In Modules 1 and 2, you will be introduced to basic counting skills that you will build upon throughout the course. In Module 3, you will apply those skills to simple problems in probability. In Modules 4 through 6, you will explore how those ideas and techniques can be adapted to answer a greater range of probability problems. Lastly, in Module 7, you will be introduced to statistics through the notion of expected value, variance, and the normal distribution. You will see how to use these ideas to approximate probabilities in situations where it is difficult to calculate their exact values.
关 键 词: 概率; 数学思维模式; 定量推理
课程来源: 哈佛大学公开课
数据采集: 2021-10-19:nkq
最后编审: 2021-10-19:nkq
阅读次数: 112