
The Craft of Science Fiction
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_haldeman_csf/  
主讲教师: Joe Haldeman
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2014-03-20
课程语种: 英语
乔·霍尔德曼(Joe Haldeman)提供了一本即将出版的小说的预告片,该小说的故事将在麻省理工学院的过去、现在和遥远的未来上演。在与亨利·詹金斯(Henry Jenkins)的谈话中,霍尔德曼承认他“在这个联合体中的社会学很有趣”。他还讨论了他的流派的历史,以及他自己的文学方法。 “科幻小说的意义在于,”霍尔德曼说,“它既是一种写作形式,也是一种看待事物的方式——一种思维方式。”早期的科幻作家试图教育年轻人,引导他们从事科学家或工程师的职业。并不是所有的作品都是一流的。他说,有些“旧东西可能是丑陋的东西”。霍尔德曼现在不能读《三部曲》——“我的眼睛锁着”,写得太糟糕了。但20世纪30年代的一些故事启发了二战双方的科学家,包括雷达、原子弹和德国V1和V2火箭的幕后操纵者。霍尔德曼说,如今,随着读小说的人越来越少,科幻小说变得不那么重要了。“科幻小说可以教育人的想法已经不存在了。” 霍尔德曼陶醉于科学的真实世界,尤其是在研究的前沿,那里有着惊人的发现。“我从科普杂志上得到了更多该死的想法,”比如《科学美国人》。《天空与望远镜》上的一篇文章,以及参观波士顿科学博物馆关于保存的人体的展览,激发了一个关于生活在与人类不同时间尺度上的非碳基生命形式的新故事。 霍尔德曼决心把科学和小说都做好,他写了他想读的东西。“我对纸板上的角色感到厌烦……基本上是在给人上课。”他是欧内斯特·海明威的忠实粉丝。作为一名写过许多战争故事的越战老兵,他承认“写战争是第一件自然、感性的事情”,但他拒绝对自己的作品进行太多分析。 如今,霍尔德曼将科学视为受到攻击的对象:“宗教在许多不同的层面上已经失控,科幻小说是反对宗教的工具,”他说。“科幻小说是理性主义的工具,是解决生活问题的理性方法。”
课程简介: Joe Haldeman provides a sneak preview of an upcoming novel whose story plays out in MIT’s past, present and distant future. In his conversation with Henry Jenkins, Haldeman admits that he has “a lot of fun with the sociology of being in this joint.” He also discusses the history of his genre, and his own literary approach. “The thing about science fiction,” says Haldeman, “is that it’s a form of writing but it’s also a way of looking at things – a mode of thought.” Early sci-fi writers sought to educate young people, and direct them toward careers as scientists or engineers. Not all of the writing was stellar. Some of the “old stuff can be ugly stuff,” he says. Haldeman can’t read the Foundation trilogy now – “My eyes lock,” the writing’s so bad. But some of the stories from the 1930s inspired the scientists on both sides of World War 2, those behind radar, the atom bomb and Germany’s V1 and V2 rockets. Today, as fewer people read novels, Haldeman says, science fiction has become less important. “The idea that science fiction can educate isn’t there anymore.” Haldeman revels in the real world of science, especially at the far edges of research where astonishing discoveries are made. “I get more damn ideas out of popular science magazines,” like Scientific American. An article in Sky and Telescope, and a visit to a Boston science museum exhibit on preserved human bodies inspired a new story on non-carbon based life forms that live in a different timescale from humans. Haldeman is determined to get both the science and fiction right, and he writes things he’d like to read. “I get so bored with cardboard characters…essentially giving a lesson.” He’s a big fan of Ernest Hemingway. As a Vietnam veteran who has written a number of war stories, he admits that “writing about war is the first natural, emotional thing to do,” but he resists getting too analytical about his work. Today, Haldeman views science as under attack: “Religion is out of hand on a lot of different levels, and science fiction is a tool against religion,” he says. “Science fiction is a tool for rationalism, for a rational approach to solving life’s problems.”
关 键 词: 文学方法; 霍尔德曼; 科幻小说
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2021-10-21:zkj
最后编审: 2021-10-21:zkj
阅读次数: 68