
Slovenian artistic identity in european context
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/promogram_barbara_murovec_eng/  
主讲教师: Barbara Murovec
开课单位: 斯洛文尼亚科学和艺术学院科学研究中心
开课时间: 2013-08-14
课程语种: 英语
《斯洛文尼亚艺术史概览》中的几章仍然鲜为人知,研究不足。为了填补这一空白,项目组的基础研究将主要集中在这些问题上,特别强调17世纪到20世纪之间的时间。重点将是巴洛克时期,当时,除了哥特式,我国的艺术最为繁荣。17和18世纪的艺术为斯洛文尼亚的艺术身份做出了特别重要的贡献,而巴洛克风格作为伟大的欧洲风格中的最后一种,代表了将斯洛文尼亚与其他欧洲国家联系在一起的最牢固的文化纽带之一。就欧洲一体化进程而言,研究巴洛克艺术是斯洛文尼亚艺术史的优先任务之一,因为欧洲的统一是基于各个国家之间的差异。 斯洛文尼亚艺术身份调查,以及将斯洛文尼亚艺术遗产纳入欧洲背景,将在几个(区域和流派)层面同时进行,这符合我们遗产的特点。研究的重点将是卢布尔雅那艺术和所谓的卢布尔雅那巴洛克风格(建筑、雕塑、绘画),除此之外,还将研究卢布尔雅那主教和在斯洛文尼亚首都形象上留下重要印记的教会。在卢布尔雅那大教堂(Ljubljana cathedral)300周年纪念日之际,将向更广泛的公众展示新的科学发现。详细研究的对象将是卡尼奥拉的一些核心人物,如姓Vrbnik的雕塑家、姓Maček的建筑师、画家Jelovšek、博学的约翰·魏查德·瓦尔瓦索以及他与17世纪艺术遗产的密切联系以及他作为艺术收藏家的热情。在对卡尼奥拉、斯泰里亚和滨海地区的纪念碑进行彻底研究的基础上,一方面可以建立区域变体,调查主要纪念碑和重要艺术家,另一方面,准备对斯洛文尼亚领土上17世纪至20世纪的艺术进行全面调查。不言而喻的事实是,斯洛文尼亚的艺术历史不能再单独在斯洛文尼亚进行研究,与我们欧洲邻国的艺术隔离,这一事实在“实践”研究中没有得到充分考虑,尽管这对于建立和承认斯洛文尼亚人的身份至关重要。因此,这将是研究的主要方法论途径。因为对纪念碑形式特征的了解还不够,但也有必要理解和强调其精神背景和起源的文化历史环境,该方案小组的研究工作的一个重要部分将是研究档案文件和文学资料,以及对艺术史资料的批判性出版。
课程简介: Several chapters in the historical survey of art in Slovenia still remain poorly known and insufficiently researched. To fill the void, basic researches of the programme group will manly concentrate on these issues, laying special emphasis on the time between the 17th and the 20th century. The focal point will be the Baroque period when, apart from the Gothic, art in our country was most prosperous. The art of the 17th and 18th centuries has contributed a particularly important share to Slovenian artistic identity, and the Baroque, as the last of the great European all-emcompassing styles, represented one of the firmest cultural bonds which tied Slovenia to other European countries. With regard to European integration processes, researches into Baroque art are among the priority tasks of Slovenian art history, since the unity of Europe is based on the difference between individual nations. The investigation of Slovenian artistic identity, together with the placing of Slovenian artistic patrimony into European context, will be conducted simultaneously on several (regional and genre) levels, which is suited to the character of our heritage. At the focus of the research will be the art of Ljubljana and the so-called Ljubljana Baroque (architecture, sculpture, painting), and alongside with this the Ljubljana bishops and the ecclesiastical orders that left an essential imprint on the image of Slovenian capital will be studied. New scientific findings will be presented to a wider public on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the consecration of Ljubljana cathedral. Subjects of a detailed research will be some central personalities of Carniola, such as the sculptors surnamed Vrbnik, the architects surnamed Maček, the painter Jelovšek, the polymath Johann Weichard Valvasor and his close connectedness with the artistic heritage of the 17th century and his zeal as an art collector. On the basis of a thorough study of the monuments in Carniola, Styria and the Littoral, it will be possible, on the one hand, to establish regional variants, investigate key monuments and significant artists and, on the other, to prepare an overall survey of art from the 17th to the 20th century on the Slovenian territory. The self-evident fact that Slovenian artistic past can no longer be studied in Slovenia alone, in isolation from the art of our European neioghbours, has not been sufficiently taken into account in "practical" research, although it is crucial in the establishing and recognizing of Slovenian identity. Therefore this will be the principal methodological approach of the researches. Because the knowledge about the formal characteristics of the monuments is not sufficient, but it is also necessary to comprehend and highlight their spiritual background and culturo-historical circumstances of their origin, an important share in the research work of the programme group will be the study of archival documents and literary sources and critical publication of sources for art history.
关 键 词: 斯洛文尼亚艺术史; 巴洛克时期; 卢布尔雅那艺术
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2021-10-21:zkj
最后编审: 2021-10-21:zkj
阅读次数: 55