
First Flight, First Fabric—Aviations Most Precious Relic
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_douglas_fabric/  
主讲教师: Deborah G. Douglas
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2013-05-03
课程语种: 英语
在莱特兄弟首次飞行100周年之际,黛博拉·道格拉斯设法用一块一英寸见方的布料梳理出几条故事线。她演讲中心的物体是一件神圣的航空文物,是1903年著名的莱特兄弟飞行器机翼罩的一部分。道格拉斯将时光倒流到1916年,当时该学院正在剑桥庆祝它的新校区。这场“进步的盛会”以1903年的传单为特色,数十名校友出席了,其中包括一些在航空业取得辉煌成就的人。奥维尔·赖特去世后,他将传单上的布料遗赠给莱斯特·加德纳(Lester Gardner,麻省理工学院,1898年),后来成为航空周和空间技术的创始人。加德纳在证书上贴上了几块布,道格拉斯说,他在图书馆里为这些布建了一个神龛。 到本世纪中叶,飞机主宰了美国公众的想象力,象征着现代性和进步。速度正在成为一种核心文化价值观。道格拉斯详细说明了我们所欠的一切“归功于庞大的社区,这些社区的人们共同努力,让少量的车辆保持在空中。” 本讲座是麻省理工学院博物馆实物课程的一部分,是每月一次的系列画廊讲座。
课程简介: On the 100th anniversary of the Wright Brothers' first flight, Deborah Douglas manages to tease several story strands out of a one-inch-square piece of fabric. The object at the center of her lecture is a sacred aviation relic, part of the wing covering used in the famous 1903 Wright Brothers flyer. Douglas turns back the clock to 1916—when the Institute was celebrating its new campus in Cambridge. This “Pageant of Progress” featured the 1903 Flyer, and dozens of alumni attended, including some who went on to illustrious careers in aviation. After Orville Wright died, he bequeathed fabric from the Flyer to Lester Gardner (B.S., MIT 1898), founder of what was to become Aviation Week & Space Technology. Gardiner mounted pieces of the fabric on certificates, and, according to Douglas, created a shrine for them in his library. By mid-century, airplanes dominated the imagination of the American public, symbolizing modernity and progress. Speed was emerging as a central cultural value. Douglas details all that we owe “to the huge communities of people that work together to keep a small number of vehicles in the air.” This lecture is part of the MIT Museum's Object Lessons, a monthly series of gallery talks.
关 键 词: 莱特兄弟; 飞行器; 航空
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2021-10-25:zkj
最后编审: 2021-10-25:zkj
阅读次数: 41