
The Innovators Prescription: A Disruptive Solution to the Healthcare Crisis
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_christensen_crisis/  
主讲教师: Clayton Christensen
开课单位: 哈佛大学
开课时间: 2013-09-16
课程语种: 英语
哈佛商学院教授克莱顿·克里斯滕森警告说,不要相信你在商学院学到的一切。“我们所教授的良好管理原则会导致成功的公司失败。”在这篇内容丰富的演讲中,克里斯滕森提炼了几本书中值得研究的内容,描述了商业领袖在面对摇摆不定的市场创新时,有时是如何蜕变为失败者的。他还揭示了我们如何利用他在医疗等社会意义重大且复杂的行业中的见解。 Christensen区分了有助于市场领导者保持其优势的持续和增量技术改进和“颠覆性技术”,即一个简单且价格合理的想法植根于“市场底层的一个要求不高的应用程序,然后在此基础上进行改进。”Christensen,通过对许多行业的观察,“几乎无一例外地发现,一家进入者公司通过简化技术进入并杀死了领导者”。他提供了一个明显边缘化的小型钢厂的案例研究,这些钢厂在几十年的时间里推翻了美国的大型钢厂。当这些小家伙用更高效、更低成本的方法追求钢铁市场利润最低的部分时,大钢厂纷纷逃到他们认为利润更高的地方。Christensen说,“你是个小男孩,想要赢得与巨人的战斗。获胜的最佳方式是选择一场巨人有动机逃跑而不是战斗的战斗。” 这种情况发生在计算机行业(从大型机到个人电脑),以及汽车行业(从福特到丰田)。克里斯滕森说,百货公司屈服于沃尔玛,摩根大通屈服于富达。在每一种情况下,都有三个使能因素发挥作用:将行业中的一个基本技术问题转化为“万无一失的简单问题”;以及将该解决方案嵌入到一个成本效益高的商业模式中,该模式本身属于“完整的垂直商业系统” Christensen发现了医疗保健行业出现的此类中断的症状,如分子诊断、成像技术和高带宽电信,以及商业模式创新。像Kaiser Permanente这样的综合医疗系统在部署和优化这些破坏性技术方面具有优势。 推动广泛的医疗改革必须来自雇主,他们尽管宣称有意削减医疗成本,但也知道“当员工健康且富有生产力时,他们就会获利。”他总结道,平价医疗,“并不是期望高端、昂贵的机构或昂贵的护理人员变得便宜,而是通过将技术引入成本较低的医疗机构和场所,让他们变得更有能力。”
课程简介: Don’t believe everything you learn in business school, cautions Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen. “It’s the principles of good management we teach that cause successful companies to fail.” In this meaty lecture, Christensen distills several books’ worth of research describing how business leaders sometimes metamorphose into losers when confronted with market-rocking innovations. He also reveals how we may harness his insights in such socially significant and complex industries as health care. Christensen distinguishes between the kind of sustained and incremental technological improvements that help a market leader retain its edge, and “disruptive technology,” where a simple and affordable idea takes root in “an undemanding application at the bottom of the market, then improves from that foothold.” Christensen, looking at lots of industries “found almost invariably that an entrant company came in and killed the leaders” by way of a simplifying technology. He offers a case study of apparently marginal mini-steel mills that over a few decades toppled big U.S. steel mills. As the little guys pursued the lowest profit segment of the steel market with their more efficient, lower-cost methods, the big mills fled to where they imagined higher profits lay. Says Christensen, “You’re a little boy and want to win a fight against the giant. The best way to win is to pick a fight where the giant is motivated to flee rather than to fight.” This has happened in the computer industry (mainframes to PCs), and with autos (Ford to Toyota). Department stores yielded to Walmarts, and JP Morgan to Fidelity, says Christensen. In each case, three enablers come into play: the transformation of a basic technology problem in the industry into “something that’s foolproof and idiot simple;” and the embedding of that solution into a cost-effective business model, which itself falls within a “complete vertical commercial system.” Christensen spies symptoms of such disruptions bubbling up in the health care industry, such as molecular diagnostics, imaging technologies and high bandwidth telecom, and business model innovations. Integrated health systems like Kaiser Permanente have a leg up in deploying and optimizing these disruptive technologies. The push for widespread health care reform must come from employers, who in spite of their declared intent to cut health care costs also know “they profit when their employees are healthy and productive.” Affordable health care, he concludes, “doesn’t come by expecting high end, expensive institutions or expensive caregivers to become cheap, but by bringing technology to lower cost providers and venues of care, so they can become more capable.”
关 键 词: 医疗; 颠覆性技术; 市场领导者
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2021-11-01:zkj
最后编审: 2021-11-01:zkj
阅读次数: 79