
Recent History of Boston Transportation
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_salvucci_rhbt/  
主讲教师: Frederick P. Salvucci
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2014-01-12
课程语种: 英语
弗雷德里克·萨尔布奇(Frederick Salvucci)对交通发展的观点融合了土木工程、历史、经济、政策以及对人们生活的直接影响。在这里,他考察了从19世纪30年代到现在波士顿及以后的交通发展。 Salvucci涵盖了运输史上的重要转折点,从19世纪30年代开始,马用货车车轮拉动有轨电车,然后是钢轮。19世纪70年代,有轨电车的电气化缓解了过度劳累的马在街上倒地的现象,造成了交通堵塞和公共健康危害。“这真是一件乱七八糟的事情,”萨尔布奇说。 到了第一次世界大战,汽车越来越多地挤满波士顿的街道,与有轨电车竞争,并鼓励郊区的发展。萨尔布奇感谢城市规划师小山姆·巴斯·华纳的书《有轨电车郊区》讲述了这个故事。不仅住房的位置受到影响。在波士顿郊区,在辐射状地铁线路的尽头,出现了游乐园和舞厅,吸引了城市居民。 艾森豪威尔政府建立了州际公路系统,其灵感来源于德国高速公路的模式。Salvucci将这一时期描述为人们“前所未有地相信政府有能力做事;而不是现在政府的声誉!”Salvucci说,这一道路网络构成了卡车运输业的基础,即“今天美国经济的运行方式”。他赞扬艾森豪威尔“取得了令人印象深刻的成就……从公共部门的重大投资中创造了一个完全不同的经济。” 但公路建设也减少了就业机会,摧毁了社区。依赖汽车的社会重新发现了公共交通的优点。萨尔布奇认为马萨诸塞州共和党州长约翰·沃尔普(1960年代)和弗兰克·萨金特(1970年代)在推动公共交通方面有着开明的观点,尽管他承认“我通常不会对共和党人说好话”,除非他们死了。 萨尔布奇还向积极的天主教牧师致敬,他们为波士顿社区居民的利益而战,这些社区受到破坏性道路建设计划的威胁。他将理查德·卡迪纳尔·库欣(Richard Cardinal Cushing)称为“一个粗暴的正义之人” 讲座以关于杰克·斯普拉特和他的妻子的童谣结束,萨尔布奇借用了他们互补的口味作为寓言,说明平衡和整合优先级的必要性。土地利用规划、交通发展、经济增长和个人福利密不可分。
课程简介: Frederick Salvucci’s perspective on transportation development is an amalgam of civil engineering, history, economics, policy, and not least, the direct impact on people’s lives. Here he surveys the evolution of transportation in Boston and beyond from the 1830s to the present. Salvucci covers significant junctures in transportation history, beginning in the 1830s with horses pulling streetcars on wagon wheels, then steel wheels. In the 1870s, electrification of streetcars alleviated the phenomenon of overworked horses succumbing in the streets, causing both traffic jams and a public health hazard. “It was a really messy affair,” Salvucci says. By World War I, automobiles increasingly crowded Boston streets, competing with streetcars and encouraging the growth of suburbs. Salvucci acknowledges urban planner Sam Bass Warner, Jr.’s book Streetcar Suburbs for telling this story. Not only the location of housing was affected. On the outskirts of Boston, at the ends of the radial subway lines, amusement parks and dance halls arose, luring city dwellers. With the Eisenhower administration came the interstate highway system, inspired by the model of the German Autobahn. Salvucci characterizes this period as a time when people held “an unprecedentedly high belief that the government is capable of doing things; not exactly where the government reputation is today!” This roadway network forms the basis of the trucking industry, the "way the American economy moves today," says Salvucci. He commends Eisenhower for accomplishing “something impressive…a whole different economy out of this major investment of the public sector.” But highway construction also eliminated jobs and razed neighborhoods. An automobile- dependent society rediscovered the virtues of public transportation. Salvucci credits Massachusetts GOP governors John Volpe (1960s) and Frank Sargent (1970s) with enlightened views promoting mass transit, though he admits “I don’t usually say good things about Republicans” unless they’re dead. Salvucci also pays homage to activist Catholic priests fighting for the interests of residents in Boston neighborhoods threatened by destructive road construction plans. He singles out Richard Cardinal Cushing as “a rough justice guy.” The lecture concludes with the nursery rhyme about Jack Sprat and his wife, whose complementary tastes Salvucci borrows as a parable for the necessity of balancing and integrating priorities. Land use planning, transportation development, economic growth, and the welfare of individuals are inextricably intertwined.
关 键 词: 交通发展; 波士顿; 道路建设计划
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2021-11-02:zkj
最后编审: 2021-11-02:zkj
阅读次数: 41