
Fuel Cells and Portable Power Solutions
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_sadoway_fcpp/  
主讲教师: Donald R. Sadoway
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2013-12-16
课程语种: 英语
请不要让唐纳德·萨多威(Donald Sadoway)继续使用氢能,氢能是政府大肆宣传的化石燃料替代品。萨多威说:“如果有人认为能源问题的答案可以贴在保险杠贴纸上,那你就错了。复杂的问题需要精心设计的解决方案。”。他敲了敲氢燃料电池,描述了它的许多缺陷:电化学转化反应所需的催化剂是昂贵的铂;如果我们使用碳氢化合物作为氢的来源,我们在大气中排放的二氧化碳比我们排放的要多;人们不太可能在座位下驾驶高温反应堆,也不太可能在“拐角处的加油站”找到大量的原燃料。萨多维说,最终,氢作为一种有效的燃料替代品成本太高,而且它不能解决气候变化问题。 他把他的库存放在电池上,自1800年左右发明电池以来,电池的性能和应用范围一直在稳步提高。从铅酸电池,到金属氢化物镍,再到锂离子,“我们的上限越来越高,”Sadoway说,他指的是电池提供的瓦时数。但我们还没有开发出电池驱动的汽车,因为政府已经将研究方向转移到其他地方,而且私人资金对笔记本电脑和手机电池更感兴趣。Sadoway确信:“如果我们把钱投入到电池研究(全电动汽车)中,现在就可以了。这是一个资源有限的问题。” 萨多威还回答了听众提出的有关中国和印度经济发展、核聚变能力以及解决能源问题的一系列解决方案的需求的问题。
课程简介: Please don’t get Donald Sadoway going on hydrogen power, a much-hyped government alternative to fossil fuel. “If anyone thinks the answer to the energy problem can fit on a bumper sticker, you’re wrong. Complex problems require elaborate solutions,” says Sadoway. He knocks the hydrogen fuel cell, delineating its many deficiencies: the catalyst required for the electrochemical conversion reaction is pricey platinum; if we use hydrocarbons as a source for hydrogen, we’re putting more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than we’re removing; and it’s unlikely people will wish to drive with a high temperature reactor under their seats, or locate large stores of raw fuel “down at the station at the corner.” Ultimately, hydrogen will simply cost too much to be an effective fuel alternative, and it doesn’t address climate change, says Sadoway. He puts his stock instead in batteries, which, since they were invented around 1800, have been steadily improving in performance and range of applications. From lead acid batteries, through nickel metal hydride to lithium ion, “we’re raising the ceiling higher and higher,” says Sadoway, referring to the number of watt-hours a battery provides. But we have not yet arrived at the battery powered vehicle yet because the government has directed research elsewhere and because private money is more interested in batteries for laptops and cell phones. Sadoway is convinced: “If we put our money into battery research (the all-electric vehicle) would be here right now. This is a resource-limited problem.” Sadoway also responds to audience questions concerning China and India’s economic development, fusion power, and the need for a range of solutions to address energy issues.
关 键 词: 氢能; 氢燃料电池; 碳氢化合物
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2021-11-26:zkj
最后编审: 2021-11-26:zkj
阅读次数: 68