
Speech Translation in human-to-human Interaction: Skype Translator
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/interACT2016_wendt_skype_translator/  
主讲教师: Chris Wendt
开课单位: 微软研究院
开课时间: 2016-07-31
课程语种: 英语
语音识别的错误率已经降低了很多,机器翻译的质量也提高了很多,使我们能够将两者结合起来并获得有用的结果。当在没有经过口译员培训的人之间建立翻译系统时,我们需要考虑的不仅仅是原始质量分数。人类说话不像机器,他们甚至不像其他写下他们要说的话的人那样说话:口语和书面语有着惊人的不同。这是我们在语音翻译中可以克服的一个障碍,通过一种我们称之为TrueText的技术:使口语看起来更像书面语。翻译得更好。人类需要一个与之合作和互动的界面。解决口语翻译用户界面问题有多种方法,其中许多方法都没有达到预期的效果。我们能期望人类在多大程度上倾向于机器解释?事实证明,不远。我们可以将语音翻译系统设计得既宽松又实用。通过Skype Translator,我们探索了用户交互和行为的许多方面,并实现了两种针对远距离、人与人对话的实现。每种实现都有优点和缺点——我们将对两者进行比较讨论。
课程简介: The error rate of speech recognition has come down enough, and the quality of machine translation has gone up enough to allow us to combine the two and achieve useful results. When building a translation system between humans who are not trained to talk via an interpreter, we need to take into consideration much more than the raw quality scores. Humans do not talk like machines, they do not even talk like the other humans who write down what they have to say: Spoken language is surprisingly different from written language. That’s a hurdle we can overcome in speech translation, by a technique we call TrueText: making spoken language look more like written language. Translates much better. Humans need an interface to work with and to interact with. There are multiple ways to address the spoken translation user interface, and many of them do not have the hoped-for result. How far can we expect the human to lean into the presence of machine interpretation? It turns out, not that far. We can design the speech translation system to be lenient and useful at the same time. With Skype Translator we have explored many aspects of user interaction and behavior, and arrived at two implementations targeting long distance, human-to-human conversations. Each implementation has advantages and disadvantages – we’ll discuss the two in comparison.
关 键 词: 语音识别; 机器翻译; 用户交互
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2021-12-02:zkj
最后编审: 2021-12-02:zkj
阅读次数: 66