
Nanoscale Engineering for High Performance Solar Cells
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_bulovic_nehp/  
主讲教师: Vladimir Bulovic
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2013-09-16
课程语种: 英语
打开一个灯泡需要多少能量?在美国太多了,22%的电力被输送到家庭、商业和道路照明。弗拉基米尔·布洛维奇(Vladimir Bulovic)希望通过应用称为量子点的纳米结构材料,结束过度使用电力照明,同时让我们的生活更加愉快。 他告诉麻省理工学院博物馆的观众,白炽灯泡浪费巨大,将电转换为光的效率只有5%。荧光灯的效果稍好一些,发光二极管的效果更好,但这些效率更高的灯泡通常会发出刺眼的颜色。布洛维奇和其他研究人员一直在设计一种解决颜色和功率转换问题的方法,一种基于称为量子点的特殊无机晶体的新型光电池。这些晶体的大小相当于人类头发纵向切割5000倍(10纳米)的大小,以精确的、可预测的不同大小的颜色发出荧光:大块较大的看起来是红色,小块较小的看起来是蓝色。 布洛维奇一直在用纳米晶体悬浮液进行实验——在表面上涂上一层量子点溶液薄膜,这种薄膜可以被强光或电激发。“通过调节量子点的混合物,我们可以制作出……彩虹的任何颜色。”这项研究中涌现出了新种类的灯、具有“奇妙响应”的显示器和真正的黑色,同时功耗只有当今LCD和等离子屏幕的一半,并且有可能将能耗降低20倍。某些版本的光电池可以用于笔记本电脑,而且这项技术具有相当快的扩展能力。 布洛维奇认为,世界正走向90亿人口(其中许多人仍在叫嚣电力)和气候危机,迫切需要这种新技术。他想知道纳米结构材料是否有助于解决工程师在扩大太阳能解决方案时遇到的一些障碍。例如,大多数光伏发电中使用的硅可以通过使用由纳米结构组成的薄膜来提高效率,这种薄膜可以捕获硅所不能捕获的光谱。虽然太阳能不能单独解决世界能源问题,但它是一个非常突出的解决方案,布洛维奇希望纳米技术将有助于“以可控、清洁的方式”实现能源独立,帮助“提升世界”
课程简介: How much energy does it take to turn on a lightbulb? Way too much in the U.S., where 22% of all electricity gets channeled into illuminating homes, businesses and thoroughfares. Vladimir Bulovic wants to end the exorbitant use of power for lighting, and simultaneously brighten our lives more pleasantly, with the application of nanostructure materials called quantum dots. Incandescent bulbs, he tells the MIT Museum audience, are hugely wasteful, with just 5% efficiency converting electricity to light. Fluorescents do the job somewhat better, and light emitting diodes better still, but these more efficient bulbs often emit colors that feel harsh to the eye. Bulovic and other researchers have been designing a fix for both the color and power conversion problems, a new kind of photo cell based on special inorganic crystals called quantum dots. The size of a human hair sliced lengthwise 5,000 times (10 nanometers), these crystals fluoresce in precise, predictable colors at different sizes: bigger chunks look red, smaller ones look blue. Bulovic has been experimenting with nanocrystal suspensions -- applying a thin film of quantum dot solution onto a surface that can be excited by shining light or by electricity. “By tuning mixtures of quantum dots, we can make…any color of the rainbow.” New sorts of lights, and displays with “fantastic responsiveness” and true blacks are emerging from this research, along with power consumption half that of today’s LCDs and plasma screens, and the potential of reducing energy use 20 fold down the road. Some versions of photo cells could be used in laptops, and the technology has the capacity to scale up fairly quickly. The world, well on its way to 9 billion people (many of whom still clamor for electric power), and a climate crisis, desperately needs this kind of new technology, believes Bulovic. He wonders if nanostructure materials might help with some of the hurdles engineers have encountered in scaling up solar energy solutions. For instance, the silicon used in most photovoltaics could be made more efficient by using films consisting of nanostructures that capture spectra of light that silicon can’t. While solar won’t solve the world’s energy problems alone, it figures to be one very prominent solution, and Bulovic hopes nanotechnology will help generate energy independence, “in a controlled, clean way,” helping to “uplift the world.”
关 键 词: 新型光电池; 纳米晶体; 光伏发电
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2021-12-02:zkj
最后编审: 2021-12-02:zkj
阅读次数: 56