
Electronics on Plastic: A Solution to the Energy Challenge, or a Pipe Dream?
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_forrest_ep/  
主讲教师: Stephen R. Forrest
开课单位: 密歇根大学
开课时间: 2014-01-06
课程语种: 英语
随着解决气候变化问题的紧迫性越来越高,人们对利用太阳的无限潜力来替代化石燃料越来越感兴趣。斯蒂芬·福雷斯特(Stephen Forrest)报道说,这种诱人的前景激发了一系列新的科学冒险。 一个理论上的硅太阳能电池场,一边是120英里,另一边是120英里,位于温带,有能力产生20太瓦的电力。虽然这样的太阳能电池阵可以满足当今全球人口的需求,但该计划不切实际,成本高昂。福雷斯特说,硅很贵。“在当今的世界市场上,由于材料、生产、包装、安装和储存成本的原因,如果你在汽车中添加一加仑汽油,你所支付的费用将比通过太阳能提供同样的能源少10倍。” 因此,科学家们正在探索有机材料——不是活细胞,而是含碳化合物——如何使太阳能更经济。由荧光分子薄层制成的有机光伏电池似乎为廉价的硅替代品带来了希望。但到目前为止,这些电池还不能提供与硅基技术相同的能效。有机材料往往会随着时间的推移而分解,并在再现性、可扩展性和可靠性方面面临挑战。虽然研究人员正试图操纵这些材料,使其发挥更好的功能,但与硅相抗衡的有机光伏器件仍然遥不可及。 但对于有机照明材料,人们更乐观。请记住,室内照明消耗了建筑物用电的20%,Forrest指出。更换白炽灯泡将对住宅和商业能源使用产生巨大影响。目前的紧凑型荧光灯具有较长的使用寿命,但对人眼来说可能不是最令人满意的。为有机发光二极管(OLED)让路,它使用的分子在激发时会发出非常明亮的光。研究人员发现,蓝色、绿色和红色的化学物质以令人愉悦的方式混合在一起,这些显示器不久将出现在下一代手持设备和电脑屏幕上。研究人员正在试验白色OLED,这似乎超过了白炽灯的功率效率,而且成本也很低。
课程简介: As urgency to address climate change mounts, there’s ever greater interest in harnessing the unlimited potential of the sun to replace fossil fuels. This tantalizing prospect has inspired a raft of new scientific ventures, reports Stephen Forrest. A theoretical field of silicon solar cells that is 120 miles on one side and 120 miles on the other, plunked down in a temperate zone, has the capacity to generate 20 terawatts of power. While such a solar array could more than address the needs of today’s global population, the scheme is impractical and the costs prohibitive. Silicon is expensive, says Forrest. “On the world market today, if you put a gallon of gas in your car, you’re paying 10 times less money than if the same energy were supplied through solar, due to the materials, production, packaging, installation and storage cost.” So scientists are exploring how organic materials -- not living cells, but carbon-containing compounds -- might make solar power more economical. Organic photovoltaic cells, made of thin layers of fluorescing molecules, seem to hold out hope of an inexpensive alternative to silicon. But so far, these cells don’t offer the same kind of power efficiency as silicon-based technologies. Organic materials tend to break down over time, and present challenges in terms of reproducibility, scalability and reliability. While researchers are trying to manipulate these materials so they function better, an organic photovoltaic device to rival silicon remains out of reach. But there’s much more optimism surrounding organically based lighting materials. Keep in mind that interior lighting consumes 20% of the power used in buildings, notes Forrest. Replacing incandescent bulbs would make a great difference in residential and commercial energy usage. Current compact fluorescents have long operational lifetimes, but may not be the most satisfying to the human eye. Make way for organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs), using molecules that when excited give off extremely bright light. Researchers have found combinations of chemicals that mix blues, greens and reds in pleasing ways, and these displays will soon emerge in next generation handheld gadgets and computer screens. Researchers are experimenting with white OLEDs, which appear to exceed the power efficiencies of incandescents, and at a low cost as well.
关 键 词: 硅太阳能电池; 有机材料; 有机发光二极管
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2021-12-03:zkj
最后编审: 2021-12-03:zkj
阅读次数: 82