

Frontier of jellyfish blooms study: Mechanism, forecast and countermeasure of the blooms
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/nib_uye_jellyfish/  
主讲教师: Shin-ichi Uye
开课单位: 广岛大学
开课时间: 2014-01-27
课程语种: 英语
全球水母数量可能会增加,特别是在受到重大人类影响的水域,如东亚边缘海(EAMS),在那里,月亮水母Aurelia aurita s.l.和巨型水母Nemopilema nomurai经常造成问题性的水华。水母的大量繁殖给渔业、水产养殖、发电厂运营和旅游业带来了相当大的社会经济困难。水母繁殖似乎难以根除,但这些行业正在努力制定管理策略,使它们能够与更多水母成功共存。在A.aurita中,水母往往在人类干扰强烈(如变暖、富营养化、海洋建设)的沿海水域开花,给当地渔业和发电厂运营造成严重问题。而野村褐飞虱广泛分布于整个EAM,在20世纪的大部分时间内呈间歇性(约40年一次)开花,但在2002年至2009年间几乎每年开花一次。该物种最近频繁开花可能是由于中国沿海水域的环境恶化,这是一个播种和育苗场。2005年,野村藻的大量繁殖对日本渔业造成了严重的滋扰,超过100000起关于渔业损害的投诉和报告,估计损失约300亿日元(=约2.3亿欧元)。根据渡轮甲板上对中国水域水母幼体的调查,对水母水华的早期预测大大有助于减少水母的伤害。定置渔网渔民的实际对策是修改渔网,将水母排除在外,为此他们必须投入额外资金。
课程简介: Jellyfish populations are likely to be increasing globally, particularly in waters under significant human impact such as the East Asian Marginal Seas (EAMS), where the moon jellyfish Aurelia aurita s.l. and the giant jellyfish Nemopilema nomurai have regularly caused problematic blooms. Blooms of jellyfish impose considerable socio-economic hardship to fisheries, aquaculture, power plant operations and tourism. Blooms appear to be difficult to eradicate, but these industries are striving to develop management strategies that will enable them to successfully co-exist with more jellyfish. In A. aurita, medusae tend to bloom in coastal waters with strong human-perturbation (e.g. warming, eutrophication, marine construction) to cause serious problems in local fisheries and power plant operations. Whilst N. nomurai is distributed widely over the entire EAMS and bloomed intermittently (once per ca. 40 years) for most of the 20th century, but became almost annual between 2002 and 2009. Recent frequent blooms of this species might be attributed to environmental deterioration in Chinese coastal waters, a seeding and nursery ground. In 2005, the bloom of N. nomurai caused severe nuisance in fisheries in Japan, with >100,000 complaints and reports of damage in fishery and estimated monetary loss of ca. 30 billion JPY (=ca. 230 million Euro). Early forecast of the bloom based on deck-on-ferries survey of young medusae in Chinese waters has greatly contributed toward reduction of damage by this jellyfish. The actual countermeasure taken by set-net fishermen is to modify their nets to exclude jellyfish, for which they have to invest extra money.
关 键 词: 水母; 水域; 渔网
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2021-12-16:nkq
最后编审: 2021-12-16:nkq
阅读次数: 43