
Books and Libraries in the Digital Age
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_darnton_bld/  
主讲教师: Robert Darnton
开课单位: 哈佛大学
开课时间: 2014-05-20
课程语种: 英语
也许是因为罗伯特·达恩顿是一名历史学家,而不是受过训练的图书管理员,他对文明开始积累的海量数字信息充满了兴趣,而不是焦虑。达恩顿深入欧洲档案馆寻找原材料,即成箱的废弃“蜉蝣”,为他讲述数百年前人们的生活故事。难怪他相信“尽可能多地保存是很重要的,因为你不知道什么会变得有意义。” 在与大卫·索伯恩(David Thorburn)和观众的对话中,达恩顿(Darnton)阐述了为什么他认为快速扩张的数字收藏更有希望,而不是危险。他首先承认档案历史的触觉乐趣:打开一个装满手稿的盒子的感觉,脏手,旧纸的气味,以及字面上的“接触消失的人类”他珍视这类研究的戏剧性,以及这类工作的成品:这本书。虽然“书籍的触觉质量”非常重要——达恩顿描述说,拿着18世纪书籍的叶子,可以看到一些磨碎的衬裙线——但数字版本也有积极的一面。例如,当大英图书馆将贝奥武夫数字化时,它发现了几个新单词。但他保证,“一种沟通媒介不会取代另一种。”。“它们共存。”达恩顿本人正在努力制作一本关于18世纪书籍的大型电子图书,它由用户可以浏览的各个层次组成,从各种主题的论文,到英语文档的选择,再到法语的原始文档。甚至可能会有250年前在巴黎街头演唱的歌曲。“我们正处在一个创造新类型书籍、新类型阅读和作者的时代。” 达恩顿倡导“通过互联网、歌曲、笑话、涂鸦——任何时期的所有媒体……交流的全部历史。”图书馆的职责也相应扩大。但他承认对数字文档保存的担忧:“我们通过各种格式迁移它们,它们不像书。它们可能会因为元数据不足而消失,或者“丢失几个0和1,整个文档就会分解。”他主张保留卡片目录,并确保所有可能的书籍、手稿和研究论文版本都数字化。他甚至支持保留电子邮件。我们这个时代的“转瞬即逝”可能会成为未来历史学家的切入点,我们应该让下一代在保存着大量数据的广阔世界中找到他们认为最重要的东西。
课程简介: Perhaps because he is a historian rather than librarian by training, Robert Darnton regards the vast ocean of digital information that civilization has begun accumulating with relish rather than anxiety. Darnton delves into European archives to find raw material, boxes of cast-off “ephemera,” for his stories of how people lived hundreds of years ago. No wonder he believes “it’s important to preserve as much as you can because you don’t know what will turn out to be significant.” In conversation with David Thorburn and audience members, Darnton lays out why he finds more promise than peril in rapidly expanding digital collections. He first owns up to the tactile pleasures of archival history: the sensation of opening a box full of manuscripts, dirty hands, the smell of old paper, and literally coming “into contact with vanished humanity.” He cherishes the drama of such research, as well as the finished, weighty products of this kind of work: the book. While the “tactile quality of books” is very important -- and Darnton describes holding up leaves of 18th century books to see bits of ground-down petticoat thread -- there are also positive dimensions to digital versions. For instance, when the British Library digitized Beowulf, it discovered several new words. But “one medium of communication doesn’t displace another,” he reassures. “They coexist.” Darnton himself is hard at work on a large-scale electronic book about books in the 18th century, comprised of layers a user can navigate, from essays on various subjects, to selections of documents in English, to the original documents in French. There might even be songs performed as they were sung in the streets of Paris 250 years ago. “We are in an era of creating new kinds of books, new kinds of reading and authorship.” Darnton advocates “a total history of communication … by internet, by songs, jokes, graffiti -- by all of the media of any period...”and a corresponding expansion of libraries’ duties. But he admits concern about the preservation of digital documents: “We migrate them through various formats, and they’re not like books. They could disappear due to inadequate metadata, or “lose a few 0s and 1s, and the whole document disintegrates.” He advocates keeping card catalogs, and making sure that all conceivable editions of books, manuscripts and research papers get digitized. He even supports preserving email. The “ephemera” of our times may serve as an entry point for historians of the future, and we should let the next generation find in the vast world of preserved data what they deem most significant.
关 键 词: 大型电子图书; 数字收藏; 数字化
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2022-02-11:zkj
最后编审: 2022-02-11:zkj
阅读次数: 61