
Intelligence, Cognitive Reflection, and Decision Making
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_frederick_icrdm/  
主讲教师: Shane Frederick
开课单位: 耶鲁大学
开课时间: 2014-01-06
课程语种: 英语
你会选择确定的赌注吗?比如说,100美元的保证赌注,还是200美元的75%的几率?这个月收到3400美元,或者等两个月再拿到3800美元怎么样? 人们对风险的偏好和耐心程度各不相同。决策研究人员早就知道这一点。但谢恩·弗雷德里克的工作为这个主题提供了新的视角。弗雷德里克通过一个看似简单的“认知反射测试”(CRT),想出了一种预测个人冒险倾向的方法。 弗雷德里克找到了3000多名受试者——大部分是美国的大学生——来回答他的三个CRT问题,以及回答一项关于金融赌博和其他基于风险的决策的调查。他说,CRT的功能类似于智商测试,往往会得出冲动的错误答案。这里有一个简单的问题:一个球棒和一个球总共要1.10美元。球棒比球贵1美元。这个球多少钱?直观的答案是10美分。正确答案是5美分。 弗雷德里克发现,在所有三个CRT问题上得分正确的个人与他们进行金融赌博的倾向之间存在显著的相关性。例如,近三分之一的高分者更喜欢5000美元1%的机会,而不是60美元的保证。他还发现了高分和对财务结果的耐心之间的联系。 从他的数据中可以看出男性和女性之间的明显区别。80%的高分男性更喜欢100万美元的15%的机会,而不是500美元,而38%的高分女性更喜欢100万美元的机会。 弗雷德里克将他在个人态度和差异方面的工作描述为“决策研究的角落里的大象”,他想知道他的CRT所展示的那种智力或认知能力是否在决策中起到重要的因果作用。
课程简介: Would you go for the sure bet -- say, a guaranteed $100, or a 75% chance on $200? How about receiving $3,400 this month, or waiting two months to get $3,800? People have widely varying tastes for risk, and different levels of patience. Decision researchers have known this for a while. But Shane Frederick’s work puts a new spin on the subject. With a deceptively simple “cognitive reflection test (CRT),” Frederick has come up with a way of predicting individuals’ predilections for risk-taking. Frederick found 3,000 plus subjects -- mostly university students across the U.S. – to answer his three CRT questions, as well as to respond to a survey on financial gambles and other risk-based decisions. The CRT, which he describes as functioning like an IQ test, tends to elicit impulsive, erroneous answers. Here’s one sample question: A bat and a ball cost $1.10 in total. The bat costs $1 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost? The intuitive answer is 10 cents. The correct answer is 5 cents. Frederick discovered striking correlations between individuals scoring correctly on all three CRT questions, and their tendency to take financial gambles. For instance, almost a third of the high scorers preferred a 1% chance at $5,000 than a guaranteed $60. He also found a connection between high scores and patience around financial outcomes. Sharp distinctions between men and women emerged from his data. 80% of high scoring men prefer a 15% chance at $1 million over a certain $500, versus 38% of high scoring women. Frederick, who describes his work on individual attitudes and differences as “the elephant in the corner for decision research,” wonders if the kind of intelligence or cognitive abilities demonstrated by his CRT play an important causal role in decision making.
关 键 词: 认知反射测试; 智商测试; 决策
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2022-02-12:zkj
最后编审: 2022-02-12:zkj
阅读次数: 80