
Component Metadata Infrastructure Best Practices for CLARIN
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/clarinannualconference2017_windhouwer_pr...  
主讲教师: Menzo Windhouwer
开课单位: 梅尔滕斯学院
开课时间: 2017-10-17
课程语种: 英语
去年,2016年,组件元数据(CMD)基础设施(CMDI)的1.2版[CLARIN ERIC 2017]和第一个完整的技术规范[CMDI任务组2016]发布。这个新版本提供了新的可能性,CMDI中的工具和注册表生态系统逐渐打开了这种可能性。CMDI的一个关键特性是它的灵活性,它使创建元数据记录成为可能,这些记录可以根据资源和工具/服务的需求进行紧密定制。然而,在CMD生命周期的不同级别上所做的设计和实现选择可能会影响CMD记录的处理效果或容易程度,以及CLARIN基础设施中提供的相关资源。这方面的知识传统上分散在各种文件、网页中,甚至完全隐藏在专家的脑海中。为了明确这些知识,CMDI和元数据管理工作组已经合作创建了一个最佳实践指南。本指南以及技术CMDI 1.2规范将是一个有价值的知识库,并将帮助任何(技术)CMDI用户在CLARIN内充分利用其CMD记录。2017年5月,本指南的编写仍在进行中,本文首先对其内容进行了概述和深入了解。请注意,本文并不是指南本身的替代品,指南应于2017年完成,但旨在引起人们的注意,并促进讨论和反馈。接下来的几节将对本指南的范围、大纲和内容进行描述
课程简介: Last year, 2016, saw the release of both version 1.2 of the Component Metadata (CMD) Infrastructure (CMDI) [CLARIN ERIC 2017] and a first complete technical specification [CMDI Task Force 2016].This new version provides new possibilities, which are gradually opened up by the ecosystem of tools and registries in CMDI. One of the key properties of CMDI is its flexibility, which makes it possible to create metadata records closely tailored to the requirements of resources and tools/services. However, design and implementation choices made at various levels in the CMD lifecycle might influence how well or easily a CMD record is processed and its associated resources made available in the CLARIN infrastructure. Knowledge on this has traditionally been scattered around in various documents, web pages and even completely hidden from sight in experts’ minds. To make this knowledge explicit, the CMDI and Metadata Curation Task Forces have teamed up to create a Best Practice guide. This guide, together with the technical CMDI 1.2 specification, will be a valuable knowledge base and will help any (technical) CMDI user to bring her CMD records to their full potential use within CLARIN. In May 2017, the writing of this guide is still an ongoing effort and this paper gives a first overview and insight in its contents. Notice that this paper is not a replacement for the guide itself, which should be finished in 2017, but aims to draw attention to it and foster discussion and feedback. The next sections give a description of the scope, an outline and a glimpse into the content of the guide
关 键 词: 组件元数据; 创建元数据记录; 基础设施
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2022-02-13:zkj
最后编审: 2022-02-13:zkj
阅读次数: 32