
cycLearning: Cyc and Currious Cat as learning companion
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/ocwc2014_herga_cyclearning/  
主讲教师: Zala Herga
开课单位: 约瑟夫·斯特凡研究所
开课时间: 2014-06-23
课程语种: 英语
回答问题、解决问题或实现目标都需要知识和推理。所需的一些知识是有关特定领域的,比如银行、医学或网络安全。其中一些知识比这更普遍,比如关于交流或身体运动的知识。其中很多都是我们所认为的常识或世界知识,比如知道人们可以读书,但书不能读人,或者知道水从山上流下来,或者知道后来发生的事情不会导致早些时候发生的事情。推理不仅仅是回顾已知的事实。它包括结合知识得出结论。没有庞大的知识基础和有效推理的手段,任何系统都不能被认为是真正的智能系统。Cyc通过提供1)非常丰富的知识建模语言,2)涵盖各种主题的无与伦比的正式建模知识库,以及3)能够使用这些知识快速回答问题并得出结论的高效推理引擎,实现了强大的智能应用程序的创建。 好奇猫是一个聪明、不断学习的人工智能助手,它想了解世界,让你的生活轻松有趣。好奇猫利用尖端的人工智能技术,制造出具有真实社交状态、真实理解、真实渴望和了解世界能力的代理,目标是让你的生活更轻松、更社交、更丰富、更有趣。
课程简介: Answering questions, solving problems, or achieving goals requires both knowledge and reasoning. Some of the required knowledge is about the specific domain in question, say banking or medicine or network security. Some of it is more general than that, such as knowledge about communicating or physical movement. And much of it is what we think of as common sense or world knowledge, like knowing that people can read books but books can’t read people, or that water flows downhill, or that things that happen later don’t cause things that happened earlier. And reasoning involves much more than just recalling already known facts. It includes combining knowledge to reach conclusions. Without a large base of knowledge and the means to reason efficiently with it, no system can be considered truly intelligent. Cyc enables the creation of powerful intelligent applications by providing 1) a very rich knowledge modeling language, 2) an unmatched corpus of formally modeled knowledge covering a diverse range of topics, and 3) an efficient inference engine that can quickly answer questions and reach conclusions using this knowledge. Curious Cat is a smart, always-learning AI assistant that wants to learn about the world and make your life easy and fun. Curious Cat uses cutting edge AI technology to produce agents with real social presence, real understanding, and a real desire and ability to learn about the world, and with the goal of making your life easier, more social, more enriching, and more fun.
关 键 词: 智能系统; 知识建模语言; 建模知识库; 人工智能技术
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2022-02-14:zkj
最后编审: 2022-02-14:zkj
阅读次数: 28