
The Future of Digital Commons
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_kranich_wolpert_pinker_tfodc/  
主讲教师: Nancy Kranich; Ann Wolpert; Steven Pinker
开课单位: 麻省理工学院;哈佛大学;言论自由政策项目
开课时间: 2014-05-20
课程语种: 英语
南希·克拉尼奇说,争论归根结底是这样的:“信息是公共品还是商品?”利润越高,压力就越大。克拉尼奇设想了一个“21世纪的信息社会”,其中的主要隐喻是公共:信息既不是公共的,也不是私人的,而是共享的。知识资产不会被放弃,而是被管理为“维持利益共同体”,并促进自由表达、创造力、创新和民主。 Ann Wolpert指出,与冰棒不同,创意不会在消费后消失。学术界的资源将被反复使用——交换和加强。沃尔伯特发现,将版权法推广到学术界工作的想法尤其具有威胁性。她说,创意不应该“和米老鼠放在同一个盒子里”。互联网从根本上改变了信息流,虽然它鼓励了更大程度的“社会共享”,但它现在受到了市场力量的威胁,市场力量坚持控制并从创意中获取利润。沃尔伯特断言,“无论是学术界还是社会都不能容忍对信息流动的严格控制。为了让知识进步,生产和分销系统可以也应该出现在严格控制的资本密集型出版系统之外。” 史蒂文·平克承认,“作为信息的消费者和生产者”,他没有解决自由分发研究成果并以此为生的矛盾需求。“问题是,如果我没有每隔一段时间收到出版商的邮件,我会写多少……本书。”他警告说,不要设计和推广一个完全依赖慷慨、开放和包容的信息共享空间——这就是人性。然而,平克在苹果的iTunes和维基百科(Wikipedia)等模式中找到了希望。iTunes提供下载音乐的小额支付,维基百科是一种在线参与式百科全书,人们为了在共享的在线资源中制作“准确且有用的条目”而进行无偿活动。
课程简介: Nancy Kranich says the debate boils down to this: “Is information a public good or a commodity?” The more profit to be made, the higher the tension. Kranich envisions an “information society of the 21st century,” where the ruling metaphor is the commons: information is neither public nor private but something shared. Intellectual assets are not given away but managed “to sustain communities of interest,” and to foster free expression, creativity, innovation and democracy. Ideas, unlike popsicles, do not disappear once they are consumed, Ann Wolpert notes. And the resources of the academic world are intended to be used repeatedly -- exchanged and enhanced. Wolpert finds particularly threatening the notion of extending copyright law to the work of academics. Ideas should not “be stuffed in the same box as Mickey Mouse,” she says. The internet has fundamentally changed the flow of information, and while it has encouraged a greater degree of “social sharing,” it is now threatened by market forces, which insist on controlling and realizing profit from ideas. Asserts Wolpert, “Neither the academy nor society can tolerate tight control over movement of information. For knowledge to advance, production and distribution systems can and should occur outside the tightly controlled, capital intensive publishing system.” Steven Pinker admits that “as both a consumer and producer of information,” he has not resolved the conflicting demands of distributing his research freely, and making a living from it. “There is the question of how many … books would I write if I didn’t get a check in the mail from the publisher every once in while.” He warns against designing and promoting an information commons that relies exclusively on generosity, openness and inclusiveness -- human nature being what it is. However, Pinker finds hope in such models as Apple’s iTunes, with its micropayments to download music, and Wikipedia—the online, participatory encyclopedia—where people engage in uncompensated activity for the prestige of making “accurate and useful entries” in a shared online resource.
关 键 词: 信息社会; 信息共享空间; 知识资产
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2022-02-20:zkj
最后编审: 2022-02-20:zkj
阅读次数: 47