
Diversity of a Devastated Landscape
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/ipssc2017_andzus_diversity_oasis/  
主讲教师: Stefan Anđus
开课单位: 贝尔格莱德大学
开课时间: 2017-05-23
课程语种: 英语
博尔斯卡河位于塞尔维亚东部。这条河承受着巨大的人为压力。对该地区环境的最大威胁是博尔采矿厂(塞尔维亚最大的铜矿和冶炼厂,巴尔干半岛最大的铜矿和冶炼厂之一;自1887年开始开采博尔矿床以来,该地区不仅发生了近期的污染,而且还发生了历史上的污染)。我们研究的目的是根据2015-2016年收集的材料,利用水生大型无脊椎动物调查博尔斯卡河和六条支流(共10个地点)的现状。大型无脊椎动物通常被用作欧洲不同水体生态状况评估的指标,因为大多数物种的生物学已知,流动性低,易于收集和获得历史数据。 尽管环境压力很大,许多物种还是设法在博尔斯卡河支流繁衍生息。共记录到107个分类群,隶属于16个分类群。数量最多的类群是蜉蝣目、毛翅目和翅目。一般来说,这些昆虫的幼虫对压力敏感,喜欢高O2浓度和低有机污染的清洁水域。此外,还发现属于端足目、十足目(甲壳纲)、鞘翅目、双翅目、蜻蜓目(昆虫纲)、腹足目(软体动物)和寡毛目(环节动物纲)的物种在类群丰富度和/或种群密度方面也很重要。Brestovacka河(46个分类群)的分类群多样性最高,而Suva reka河(10个分类群)的分类群多样性最低。发现数量最多的物种是Baetis rhodani(Picket 1843),在所有地点都有显著的种群密度。加里尼克河上的遗址非常突出,有大量的Gammarus sp.个体(1500)。除其他外,我们强调发现了一种罕见的、分布区域受限的受保护的石斛虫(在Džanov potok溪流和Grčava溪流中发现)。调查溪流的生态状况评估采用了几个指标(腐生、香农多样性、BMWP和ASPT)。结果显示,除博尔斯卡河(生态状况较差)外,所有受检水体的状况良好或较高。我们的结果表明,尽管人为压力很高,但该地区的小型水体仍然处于良好的生态状态。相反,博尔斯卡河遭到严重破坏,显然需要设计和实施缓解措施。由于高人为压力,该地区的水体应定期进行监测,与其他地区相比,监测频率更高,监测点数量更多,以便有效地建立运行和监测网络。
课程简介: The Borska River is situated in Eastern Serbia. This river is under significant anthropogenic pressure. The greatest threat to the environment in the area is pollution from the Bor mining complex (the largest copper mining and smelting facility in Serbia and one of the largest on the Balkans; not only recent, but historical pollution took place in the area, since exploitation of the Bor deposit started in 1887). The aim of our study was to investigate the status of the Borska River and six tributaries (all together 10 sites) using aquatic macroinvertebrates, based on the material collected in 2015-2016. Macroinvertebrates are commonly used as indicator in ecological status assessment of different water bodies in Europe due to known biology for the majority of species, low mobility, easy collection and availability of historical data. Despite the high environmental pressure, many species managed to thrive in the tributaries of the Borska River. A total of 107 taxa were recorded belonging to 16 taxa groups. The most numerous groups were Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera and Plecoptera. Generally, larvae of these groups of insects are stress sensitive, prefer clean waters with high O2 concentration and low organic pollution. Beside, species belonging to Amphipoda, Decapoda (Crustacea), Coleoptera, Diptera, Odonata (Insecta), Gastropoda (Mollusca) and Oligochaeta (Annelida) were also found to be important in respect to taxa richness and/or population densities. Highest diversity of taxa was found in the Brestovacka River (46 taxa), while the lowest was recorded in the Suva reka stream (10 taxa). The most abundant species was found to be Baetis rhodani (Picket 1843) recorded with significant population density on all sites. Site on the Kalinik River stands out with high number of Gammarus sp. individuals (1500). Among others, we underline finding of Helicopsyche bacescui, a rare protected caddisfly with a restricted distribution area (detected in Džanov potok Stream and in the Grčava Stream). Ecological status assessment of investigated streams was determined using several indices (Saprobic, Shannon Diversity, BMWP and ASPT). Results have shown good or high status of all examined water bodies except for the Borska River (poor ecological status). Our results point that, despite high level of anthropogenic pressure, the small size water bodies in the area are still in good ecological status. In contrary, the Borska River is significantly devastated and there is an obvious need to design and implement mitigation measures. Due to high anthropogenic pressure, the water bodies in the region should be regularly monitored with higher frequency and larger number of monitoring sites in compare to other areas, in order to effectively establish operational and surveillance monitoring networks.
关 键 词: 环境; 实施缓解措施; 监测网络
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2022-03-26:zkj
最后编审: 2022-03-26:zkj
阅读次数: 43