
Biological Large Scale Integration
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_quake_blsi/  
主讲教师: Stephen Quake
开课单位: 斯坦福大学
开课时间: 2014-01-06
课程语种: 英语
尽管斯蒂芬·奎克的研究仅限于最小规模,但他的成就已经对生物学研究产生了巨大影响。奎克的微流体领域涉及制造类似于管道工使用的微小设备,但在分子水平上很有用。奎克谦逊地将他的“管道工具”描述为“非常简单的东西,而不是火箭科学”,但这些微型阀门和腔室使他能够以微小的体积操纵流体的行为,已经证明在生物科学的一些最棘手的问题上是有用的。 奎克发明了微流控技术来大规模分析DNA序列,并确定蛋白质结构。借鉴计算机工程,Quake在芯片上使用纳升的液体来生长蛋白质晶体。与传统的结构生物学方法相比,这些新方法允许对蛋白质晶体生长进行更精细的控制和操纵。他的实验室不仅发现了如何将单个DNA分子连接成结,还发现了如何对它们进行排序。面对传统显微镜的局限性,奎克的实验室“偶然发现了充当微透镜的小胶体颗粒”这些微小的珠子聚集光线,提供“更高的有效光圈,效果非常好”现在,当他们将微型DNA和蛋白质工厂自动化进行大规模生产时,他们可以实时观察他们的工作。
课程简介: Though Stephen Quake’s research is confined to the smallest of scales, his achievements have already made a large impact on the study of biology. Quake’s area of microfluidics involves fabricating tiny devices akin to those a plumber uses, but useful on the molecular level. Quake modestly describes his “plumbing tools” as “very simple stuff, not rocket science,” but these mini valves and chambers, which enable him to manipulate the behaviors of fluids in minute volumes, are already proving useful in some of the toughest problems of bioscience. Quake has fashioned microfluidic technology to analyze DNA sequences in a large-scale way, and to determine protein structure. Borrowing from computer engineering, Quake uses nanoliter amounts of fluids on chips in order to grow protein crystals. These new methods allow for much finer control and manipulation of protein crystal growth than conventional structural biology methods. His lab has figured out not only how to tie single DNA molecules into knots, but how to sequence them. Confronting the limits of conventional microscopy, Quake’s lab “stumbled upon the discovery of small colloidal particles that act as microlenses.” These tiny beads concentrate light and provide a “higher effective aperture, which works phenomenally well.” Now as they automate their miniature DNA and protein factories for mass production, they can observe their work in real time.
关 键 词: 生物学; 微流控技术; 分析DNA序列
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2022-03-27:zkj
最后编审: 2022-03-27:zkj
阅读次数: 33