
Exploring depression
课程网址: https://www.open.edu/openlearn/science-maths-technology/exploring...  
主讲教师: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
开课单位: 英国开放大学开放课
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
抑郁症是一个主要的全球健康问题。根据世界卫生组织2010年全球疾病负担研究(Whiteford et al.,2015),该疾病对全球总体疾病负担有显著影响,在可归因于精神、神经和物质使用障碍的伤残调整生命年中排名最高(超过6300万伤残调整生命年或“伤残调整生命年”;见探索焦虑第3.3节)。欧洲12个月的抑郁症患病率为6.9%(Bschor等人,2014年)。焦虑症可以先于抑郁,症状可以重叠,焦虑通常与抑郁并存。疾病过程可能是间歇性的,伴随着健康状况不佳和恢复期。超过一半的抑郁症患者在六个月内康复,但在大约15%的受影响个体中,抑郁症可能会变得慢性和严重,一些人可能会经历持续数年的长期抑郁症(Bschor等人,2014)。 抗药性是一个常见问题−三分之一或更多的患者对抗抑郁药物治疗数周的试验没有反应(Bschor等人,2014年)。“缓解抑郁症的顺序治疗替代方案”(STAR*D)试验是一项涉及4000名美国参与者的大型研究,发现37%的患者在服用抗抑郁药12周后病情缓解,67%的患者在四次治疗试验后病情缓解(Rush et al.,2006)。 患慢性抑郁症的风险因素包括情绪障碍家族史、早发抑郁症和长时间抑郁发作。与焦虑症、人格障碍、药物依赖或滥用、社会融合不良和负面社会互动的共病通常与抑郁症相关(Bschor等人,2014年)。 但是,经历抑郁到底是什么感觉呢?抑郁症在增加吗?这是现代文明的疾病吗?抑郁能作为一种适应性反应吗?抑郁情绪有什么好处吗?为什么一些经历过创伤性生活事件的人容易患抑郁症,而另一些人却不会?为什么大约三分之一或更多的抑郁症患者对目前的抗抑郁治疗没有反应?还有哪些新出现的治疗方案?接下来我们将探讨这些问题和其他问题。 本开放学习课程是根据开放大学课程S826《心理健康科学导论》(心理健康科学硕士课程第一阶段)发展而来的,如果你正在考虑进入这一领域的研究生学习,本课程是合适的预备读物。OpenLearn上还提供了许多相关的免费课程。建议它们补充你的学习。它们可以作为背景阅读,向你介绍基本概念,并提供一个基础,有助于进一步支持和扩大你对主题的知识和理解。你可以在进一步阅读部分找到这些。 请注意,本课程不提供术语表。然而,你可能会发现在学习的过程中保留一个是有帮助的。本课程可能包含一些您不熟悉的专业词汇、术语或想法,例如医疗状况、复杂的技术术语或特定的程序或评估。在这项更高级的研究中,我们希望你发挥自己的主动性,为自己找到缺失的信息,或许可以使用医学词典或百科全书,或者使用搜索引擎进行在线搜索。搜索信息也是硕士学习的一个明显特点,这将帮助你更好地准备研究生学习。
课程简介: Depression represents a major global health concern. The condition contributes significantly to the overall global burden of illness and is ranked highest (with over 63 million Disability Adjusted Life Years or 'DALYs'; see Exploring Anxiety Section 3.3) amongst the DALYs attributable to mental, neurological and substance use disorders, according to the WHO’s Global Burden of Disease Study 2010 (Whiteford et al., 2015). The 12-month prevalence of depression in Europe is 6.9% (Bschor et al., 2014). Anxiety disorders can precede depression, and symptoms can overlap, with anxiety often co-existing with depression. The course of illness can be episodic with periods of ill health and recovery. More than half of depressed patients recover within six months, but in around 15% of affected individuals, depression can become chronic and severe and some may experience long-term depression lasting several years (Bschor et al., 2014). Resistance to treatment is a common issue −a third or more of patients do not respond to trials of several weeks of treatment with antidepressant medications (Bschor et al., 2014). The ‘Sequenced Treatment Alternatives to Relieve Depression’ (STAR*D) trial, a large study involving 4,000 participants in the United States, found 37% to be in remission after a 12-week treatment period with antidepressants, and 67% after four treatment trials (Rush et al., 2006). Risk factors for developing chronic depression include family history of mood disorders, early onset depression, and long duration of depressive episodes. Comorbidity with anxiety disorders, personality disorders, substance dependence or abuse, poor social integration and negative social interaction are factors commonly associated with depression (Bschor et al., 2014). But what does it actually feel like to experience depression? Is depression on the increase? Is this an illness of modern civilisation? Can depression serve as an adaptive response – is there any benefit to depressed mood? Why do some people who experience traumatic life events become vulnerable to depression while others do not? Why is it that around a third or more of people with depression do not respond to current antidepressant treatments? What other emerging treatment options are out there? We will explore these and other questions next. This OpenLearn course has been developed from the Open University course S826 Introduction to mental health science (Stage 1 in the Masters in Mental Health Science), and is suitable preparatory reading if you are considering moving on to postgraduate study in this area. A number of related free courses are also available on OpenLearn. They are recommended to complement your studies. They can serve as background reading, introduce you to underlying concepts, and provide a basis that will help to support and broaden your knowledge and understanding of topics further. You can find these in the Further Reading section. Please note that a glossary of terms is not provided on this course. However, you may find it helpful to keep one as you study. The course may contain some specialist vocabulary, terms or ideas with which you are unfamiliar, such as a medical condition, a complex technical term or a specific procedure or assessment. At this more advanced level of study, we expect you to use your initiative and find the missing information for yourself, perhaps using medical dictionaries or encyclopaedias, or by conducting an online search using a search engine. Searching for information is also an overt feature of study at Masters level, and will help you to better prepare for postgraduate study.
关 键 词: 实时个性化; 技术差异化; 零售服务业
课程来源: 英国开放大学开放课
数据采集: 2022-04-08:liyy
最后编审: 2022-04-08:liyy
阅读次数: 44