
Population ageing: a global health crisis?
课程网址: https://www.open.edu/openlearn/health-sports-psychology/populatio...  
主讲教师: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
开课单位: 英国开放大学
开课时间: 2016-10-19
课程语种: 英语
课程简介: This free course, Population ageing: a global health crisis?, focuses on two major issues of our time – ageing societies and global health. It provides you with an introduction to ageing societies and their implications for global health – implications which are only just beginning to be fully understood. The course will help you to deepen your understanding of ageing societies across the globe and the different components of the concept of global health. You will also explore the ways in which population ageing is often framed as a crisis and begin to develop your own ideas about the implications of population ageing.
关 键 词: 人口老龄化; 全球健康; 时代问题
课程来源: 英国开放大学
数据采集: 2022-04-08:chenxin01
最后编审: 2022-04-08:chenxin01
阅读次数: 33