
Adaptive Markets: Financial Market Dynamics and Human Behavior
课程网址: https://openlearninglibrary.mit.edu/courses/course-v1:MITx+15.481...  
主讲教师: Andrew W. Lo; Zied Ben Chaouch
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2022-03-21
课程语种: 英语
有一半的美国人在股票市场上有钱,但经济学家无法就投资者和市场是否像现代金融理论所假设的那样是理性和有效的,还是像行为经济学家所认为的那样以及金融泡沫、崩溃和危机所暗示的那样是非理性和低效的达成一致。这是经济学中最大的争论之一,投资管理和金融监管的价值与否取决于结果。在这门课程中,麻省理工学院金融学教授安德鲁·W·罗以一个新的框架——理性与非理性共存的适应性市场假说——切入了这场辩论。 本课程以心理学、进化生物学、神经科学、人工智能和其他领域为基础,表明市场效率理论并非错误,只是不完整。当市场不稳定时,投资者会本能地做出反应,导致其他人利用效率低下。这一新范式解释了进化如何以思维的速度塑造行为和市场——这一事实从稳定与危机、盈亏、创新与监管之间的摇摆中揭示出来。 这是一个充满引人入胜故事的迷人的知识之旅,课程从市场效率及其失败的起源开始,转向投资者行为的基础,并以一些实际意义结束,包括对冲基金如何成为加拉帕戈斯金融岛,2008年金融危机中到底发生了什么,以及我们如何避免未来的危机。 本课程提供了雄心勃勃的新方法,以应对当今我们面临的一些最大挑战,如癌症、气候变化、能源危机,以及如何在新冠肺炎后的世界中应对全球金融市场的波涛汹涌。
课程简介: Half of all Americans have money in the stock market, yet economists can’t agree on whether investors and markets are rational and efficient, as modern financial theory assumes, or irrational and inefficient, as behavioral economists believe—and as financial bubbles, crashes, and crises suggest. This is one of the biggest debates in economics, and the value or futility of investment management and financial regulation hang on the outcome. In this course, MIT finance professor Andrew W. Lo cuts through this debate with a new framework—the Adaptive Markets Hypothesis—in which rationality and irrationality coexist. Drawing on psychology, evolutionary biology, neuroscience, artificial intelligence, and other fields, this course shows that the theory of market efficiency isn’t wrong, but merely incomplete. When markets are unstable, investors react instinctively, creating inefficiencies for others to exploit. This new paradigm explains how evolution shapes behavior and markets at the speed of thought—a fact revealed by swings between stability and crisis, profit and loss, and innovation and regulation. A fascinating intellectual journey filled with compelling stories, the course begins with the origins of market efficiency and its failures, turns to the foundations of investor behavior, and concludes with some practical implications—including how hedge funds have become the Galápagos Islands of finance, what really happened in the 2008 meltdown, and how we might avoid future crises. This course provides ambitious new approaches to address some of the biggest challenges facing us today such as cancer, climate change, the energy crisis, and how to navigate through the choppy waters of global financial markets in a post-COVID-19 world.
关 键 词: 投资管理; 适应性市场假说; 市场效率; 新冠疫情冲击
课程来源: 麻省理工学院公开课
数据采集: 2022-04-08:cyh
最后编审: 2022-04-08:cyh
阅读次数: 40