
Forensic psychology
课程网址: https://www.open.edu/openlearn/mod/oucontent/view.php?id=70526  
主讲教师: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
开课单位: 英国开放大学
开课时间: 2017-06-20
课程语种: 英语
欢迎来到这个免费课程,法医心理学。 在本课程中,你将探索你自己的思维是如何运作的,并发现人脑的局限性如何导致重大的误判。你将使用真实证人的视频,并在警方调查的幕后探索目击者证词的心理。 课程持续八周,每周学习约三小时。你可以按照自己的进度完成课程,因此如果你一周有更多的时间,那么继续完成另一周的学习是没有问题的。 你将能够通过每周的互动测验来测试你对课程的理解,其中第4周和第8周将为你提供一个获得徽章的机会,以展示你的新技能。在接下来的章节中,你可以阅读更多关于如何学习本课程和徽章的内容。 完成本课程后,您将能够: 了解目击技术的心理学 认识到调查技能的提高 了解人类的认知和大脑可能犯的错误 论刑事侦查的概念 想想人类大脑的局限性和正义的流产之间的关系。 在球场上四处走动 在每周末的“总结”中,你可以找到下周的链接。如果您想随时返回课程开始,请单击“课程内容”。从这里你可以导航到课程的任何部分。或者,使用课程每页顶部的周链接。 这也是一个很好的做法,如果你从课程页面中访问一个链接(包括到测验的链接),在一个新窗口或选项卡中打开它。这样你就可以轻松地返回到原来的位置,而不必使用浏览器上的“后退”按钮。
课程简介: Welcome to this free course, Forensic psychology. In this course you will explore how your own mind works, and discover how the limitations of the human brain can lead to major miscarriages of justice. You will use videos of real witnesses and go behind the scenes of a police investigation to explore the psychology of eyewitness testimony. The course lasts eight weeks, with approximately three hours of study each week. You can work through the course at your own pace, so if you have more time one week there is no problem with pushing on to complete another week’s study. You will be able to test your understanding of the course through the weekly interactive quizzes, of which Weeks 4 and 8 will provide you with an opportunity to earn a badge to demonstrate your new skills. You can read more on how to study the course and about badges in the next sections. After completing this course, you will be able to: understand the psychology of eyewitness technology recognise an improvement in investigative skills understand human cognition and the mistakes brains can make discuss concepts of criminal investigation consider the relationship between limitations of the human brain and miscarriages of justice. Moving around the course In the ‘Summary’ at the end of each week, you can find a link to the next week. If at any time you want to return to the start of the course, click on ‘Course content’. From here you can navigate to any part of the course. Alternatively, use the week links at the top of every page of the course. It’s also good practice, if you access a link from within a course page (including links to the quizzes), to open it in a new window or tab. That way you can easily return to where you’ve come from without having to use the back button on your browser.
关 键 词: 法医心理学; 人脑局限性; 刑事侦查; 调查技能
课程来源: 英国开放大学
数据采集: 2022-04-12:tongdan
最后编审: 2022-04-12:tongdan
阅读次数: 78