
Understanding autism
课程网址: https://www.open.edu/openlearn/mod/oucontent/view.php?id=67008  
主讲教师: Ilona Roth
开课单位: 英国开放大学
开课时间: 2017-04-26
课程语种: 英语
了解自闭症是一门免费的课程,为期8周,每周大约有3小时的学习时间。你可以按照自己的进度完成课程,因此如果你一周有更多的时间,那么继续完成另一周的学习是没有问题的。 在理解自闭症的8周时间里,你将接触到一些关键话题,包括自闭症对儿童、成人和家庭的影响,自闭症最初是如何被发现的,以及在此后的几十年里,人们的想法和理解是如何演变的。你会考虑目前导致孤独症的原因,孤独症患者和他们的家庭面临的挑战,以及什么样的帮助和支持。你将了解到,没有两个自闭症病例是完全相同的,这就产生了自闭症谱系的概念。 本课程包括对已知知识的权威性概述,同样重要的是,强调了我们知识中的重大差距。这些材料包括自闭症专业人士的工作——例如研究人员和临床医生,以及自闭症患者和家庭成员的“内部”观点:所有这些观点都在理解自闭症方面发挥了作用。 在资源更丰富的英国和美国等国家,有关自闭症的知识以及服务和支持的提供往往进展更快。因此,本课程广泛借鉴了在此类环境中形成的见解和规定。但是自闭症是一个全球性的问题,同样重要的是考虑文化差异可能如何影响孤独症的认知和理解,以及它在资源匮乏的低收入国家所带来的特殊挑战。 特别学习特色: 每周开始时,课程作者伊洛娜·罗斯博士会给出五个具体的学习成果和一段简短的视频,概述本周的工作。 定期的文字活动鼓励你积极参与视频剪辑和其他材料。您可以在提供的文本框中记录答案,并随时查阅。 交互式词汇表将帮助您了解新的和不熟悉的术语。如果你点击文本中任何粗体的术语,就会弹出一个定义或解释。你也可以在这里搜索整个词汇表。 每个周末都会有一个互动测验,用来测试你的学习。通过第4周和第8周的测验将使你获得本课程的徽章——有关更多信息,请参阅本简介的下一页。 正文中引用的关键文章和资源将在本周末作为参考文献列出。课程结束时提供了进一步推荐阅读和其他资源的清单。 本课程的学习成果: 完成本课程后,您将能够: 概述什么是自闭症,为什么它被认为是一个谱系,以及它如何影响不同的个人和家庭 欣赏理解自闭症的不同方法,包括理论和临床观点以及个人描述 概述自闭症的心理学、神经生物学和遗传学解释的主要特征 解释诊断、干预、教育和终身发展的关键方面 了解相关话题,包括神经多样性观点、女性自闭症患病率以及全球范围内的自闭症。
课程简介: Understanding autism is a free badged course which lasts 8 weeks, with approximately 3 hours’ study time each week. You can work through the course at your own pace, so if you have more time one week there is no problem with pushing on to complete another week’s study. Across the 8 weeks of Understanding autism, you will engage with key topics including how autism affects children, adults and families, how the condition was first identified and how ideas and understanding have evolved in the decades since. You will consider current ideas about what causes autism, the challenges faced by autistic individuals and their families, and what forms of help and support are available. You will learn that no two cases of autism are completely alike, giving rise to the concept of an autism spectrum. The course includes authoritative overviews of what is known, and equally important, highlights the significant gaps in our knowledge. The material includes the work of autism professionals – researchers and clinicians for instance, and also the ‘inside’ perspectives of autistic individuals and family members: all these viewpoints play a role in understanding autism. Knowledge about autism and provision of services and support have tended to advance more rapidly in countries such as the UK and the US where resources are more plentiful. The course therefore draws extensively on the insights and provision developed in such settings. But autism is a global concern, and it is equally important to consider how cultural differences may affect awareness and understanding of autism, and the particular challenges it poses in low income countries where resources are scarce. Special study features: Each week opens with five specific Learning Outcomes and a brief video overview of the week’s work from course author, Dr Ilona Roth. Regular text activities encourage your active engagement with video clips and other materials. You can record your answers in the text boxes provided and refer back to them at any time. The interactive glossary will help you with new and unfamiliar terms. If you click on any term that is in bold in the text, a definition or explanation will pop up. You can also search through the whole glossary, which you will find here. An interactive quiz at the end of each week is designed for you to test your learning. Passing the quizzes for weeks 4 and 8 will enable you to gain a badge for the course – see the next page of this introduction for further information. Key articles and resources cited in the text are listed as references at the end of the week. A list of further recommended reading and other resources is provided at the end of the course. Learning outcomes for the course: After completing this course, you will be able to: outline what is meant by autism, why it is considered a spectrum, and how it affects different individuals and families appreciate different approaches to understanding autism, including theoretical and clinical perspectives and personal accounts outline key features of psychological, neurobiological and genetic explanations of autism explain key aspects of diagnosis, intervention, education and life-span development understand topical issues including neurodiversity perspectives, autism prevalence in women and autism in global context.
关 键 词: 了解自闭症; 家庭影响; 产生原因; 文化差异; 自闭症谱系; 理论和临床
课程来源: 英国开放大学
数据采集: 2022-04-14:tongdan
最后编审: 2022-04-14:tongdan
阅读次数: 25