
Working with dilemmas
课程网址: https://www.open.edu/openlearn/money-business/working-dilemmas/co...  
主讲教师: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
开课单位: 英国开放大学
开课时间: 2012-10-05
课程语种: 英语
困境和选择是组织和个人生活结构的一部分。我们经常会遇到两个(或更多)同样令人信服的命题。这些可能是无关紧要的,比如是在咖啡馆买咖啡还是茶(在这种情况下,“两难”一词显得过分),也可能是我们生活中的关键转折点,比如改变职业。不管这些是什么,都需要找到解决困境的方法——例如,通过找到可以用来做出决策和选择特定选项的标准。如果我们不能有效地解决困境,我们最终可能会陷入无所作为(无法做出决定)或使用不适当的技术来做出决定(导致糟糕的决定)。 解决困境的一个典型方法是将它们视为两个对立的极点,我们需要从中进行选择,通常被称为困境的“角”。战略文献中的一个例子是波特的通用战略思想(1985年),即一个组织应该追求成本领先(低成本大规模生产)还是差异化(小批量高价值利基产品)?通过这种方式,困境被呈现为二分法,作为在这两个极点之间的选择——通过选择一个极点来解决困境。在这个自由的过程中,这一假设将受到考验。你将特别关注: 困境被或应该被视为两个极端之间的选择的程度。 如何应对和解决困境,超越二元选择,实现对立和解。 我们的价值观如何影响我们感知和应对困境的方式。 鉴于这里的实践重点,免费课程不仅从概念上探讨了这些问题,还为您提供了两种方法,为您提供对构建、识别、理解和应对困境的实际见解。 本OpenLearn课程改编自开放大学课程BB847《超越主流的管理》。
课程简介: Dilemmas and choices are part of the fabric of organisational and individual life. We are often presented with two (or more) equally compelling propositions. These may be the trivial, such as whether to purchase a coffee or tea at a café (in which case the term dilemma would appear excessive), or they may be key turning points in our lives such as changing a career. Whatever these are, there is a need to find ways of resolving dilemmas – for example, by finding criteria that can be used to make the decision and select a particular option. If we do not address dilemmas effectively we could end up frozen into inaction (unable to make a decision) or using inappropriate techniques to make them (leading to poor decisions). A typical approach to dilemmas is to treat them as two opposing poles from which we need to select, often called the ‘horns’ of the dilemma. An example from the literature on strategy is Porter’s idea of generic strategies (1985), i.e. should an organisation go for cost leadership (low cost mass production) or differentiation (low volume high value niche products)? In this way dilemmas are presented as dichotomies, as a choice between these two poles – the dilemma is resolved by selecting one pole. In this free course, that assumption will be put to the test. In particular you will focus on: The extent to which dilemmas are or should be treated as choices between two extremes. How the response to and resolution of dilemmas can move beyond binary choices to the reconciliation of opposites. The ways in which our values affect the way we perceive and respond to dilemmas. Given the practice focus here, the free course not only explores these issues conceptually but offers you two approaches which offer practical insight into the construction, recognition, understanding and response to dilemmas. This OpenLearn course is an adapted extract from the Open University course BB847 Management beyond the mainstream.
关 键 词: 解决困境; 二分法; 两个极端; 对立和解
课程来源: 英国开放大学
数据采集: 2022-04-16:tongdan
最后编审: 2022-04-16:tongdan
阅读次数: 25