
Basic science: understanding experiments
课程网址: https://www.open.edu/openlearn/mod/oucontent/view.php?id=19999  
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开课单位: 英国开放大学
开课时间: 2015-03-27
课程语种: 英语
这个实用的实践课程旨在帮助您通过在家中进行实验和进行科学观察来开始像科学家一样思考。 您将进行简单的实验,从水果或蔬菜中提取 DNA,观察渗透作用并将马铃薯烘烤至毁灭!您还将研究冷冻时不同液体的表现以及日常食品中含有多少水。 当您进行这些实验时,您将发展重要的基于科学的技能,包括观察、记录保存、数据分析以及如何控制实验。在检查您的结果后,您将与其他学习者分享并讨论您的发现。 要求 该免费课程面向有兴趣通过实验进行科学观察的任何人,并且不需要任何以前的研究主题经验。 实验确实涉及高温和低温,因此年轻的学习者可能需要监督。要创建 OpenLearn 帐户,您必须年满 13 岁。 成人可能希望使用他们自己的 OpenLearn 帐户来监督课程中的年轻学习者,并协助进行实验。 所有实验都可以使用您在典型厨房中找到的物品进行,但第 1 周的介绍提供了完整的设备清单。 此 OpenLearn 科学课程是 在流亡者基金会的教育部门Dangoor Education的大力支持下制作的。
课程简介: This practical, hands-on course aims to help you start thinking like a scientist by carrying out experiments at home and making scientific observations. You will carry out simple experiments to extract the DNA from fruit or vegetables, observe osmosis in action and bake a potato to destruction! You’ll also investigate how different liquids behave when frozen and how much water an everyday food item contains. As you carry out these experiments you will develop important science-based skills including observation, record-keeping, data analysis and how to control an experiment. After examining your results, you will share them with other learners and discuss your findings. Requirements This free course is intended for anyone with an interest in making scientific observations through experimentation, and does not require any previous experience of studying the subject. The experiments do involve both hot and cold temperatures so younger learners may need supervision. To create an OpenLearn account, you must be aged 13 years or over. Adults may want to use their own OpenLearn account to supervise younger learners on the course, and assist with the experiments. All of the experiments can be carried out with items you would find in a typical kitchen, but the Introduction to Week 1 provides a full equipment list.   This OpenLearn science course is produced with the kind support of Dangoor Education, the educational arm of The Exilarch's Foundation.
关 键 词: 基础科学; 科学技能; 科学观察
课程来源: 英国开放大学
数据采集: 2022-04-19:chenxin01
最后编审: 2022-04-19:chenxin01
阅读次数: 18