
The business of film
课程网址: https://www.open.edu/openlearn/mod/oucontent/view.php?id=68343  
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开课单位: 英国开放大学
开课时间: 2017-01-24
课程语种: 英语
制作电影是一项创造性的工作,但它也是一项商业项目。就像任何其他业务一样,大多数电影都是为了赚钱。 这个免费的在线课程,电影业务,将向您展示电影制作的工作原理。它是与 Pinewood Studios 合作创建的,Pinewood Studios 是为全球银幕行业提供工作室服务的领先供应商。 该课程使用价值链概念和电影案例研究,以及参与制作这些电影的个人的投入,对电影融资的运作方式以及在此过程中做出的关键业务决策进行了实用、深入的探索。 它解决了以下问题: 为什么电影会失败? 为什么知识产权和版权很重要? 为什么电影会获得公共资助? 营销、票房回报和电影成功之间有什么关系? 本课程将探讨当今电影行业的这些主题,并考虑进一步的变化如何影响行业及其利益相关者。 本课程材料最初是为FutureLearn编写的 于 2015 年。它于 2019 年 2 月在 OpenLearn 上发布。
课程简介: Making a film is a creative endeavour, but it's also a business project. And just like any other business, most films are intended to make money. This free online course, The business of film, will show you how film production works. It has been created with Pinewood Studios – the leading provider of studio services to the global screen-based industries. Using the value chain concept and film case studies, with input throughout from individuals involved in making those films, the course provides a practical, in-depth exploration of how film financing works, and the key business decisions that are made along the way. It addresses questions like: Why do films fail? Why are intellectual property and copyright important? Why do films get public funding? What is the relationship between marketing, box office returns and film success? The course will examine these topics in the film industry as it stands today, as well as considering how further changes could impact the industry and its stakeholders. This course material was originally written for FutureLearn  in 2015. It was published on OpenLearn in February 2019.
关 键 词: 电影业务; 电影制作; 电影融资
课程来源: 英国开放大学
数据采集: 2022-04-21:chenxin01
最后编审: 2022-04-21:chenxin01
阅读次数: 51