
Probability Distributions on Permutations: Compact Representations and Inference
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/cmulls08_huang_pdp/  
主讲教师: Jonathan Huang
开课单位: 卡内基梅隆大学
开课时间: 2008-04-17
课程语种: 英语
排列出现在各种现实世界的问题中,例如投票,排名和数据关联。然而,代表排列的不确定性是困难的,因为有n!排列,并且与许多问题不同,由于通常与排列相关的互斥约束,它们不能被图形模型有效地表示。我将提出一种更有效的表示,其使用傅里叶分解的“低频”项来紧凑地表示排列上的分布。为了使这些表示真正有用,我们需要能够有效地进行推理,为此,我将讨论一组有用的推理操作,包括边缘化和条件化,它们完全在傅里叶域中工作。对基于低频傅里叶的近似进行推断通常会导致与任何有效分布不对应的函数。为了解决这些错误,我将讨论一种将近似投影到宽松边缘多面体的方法,并展示该方法对基于真实摄像机的多人跟踪场景的有效性。最后,我将讨论将分布分解为独立因子的方法以及合并独立因子以在傅里叶域中形成联合的逆问题。我将讨论如何将分裂和连接操作应用于我们正在进行的“自适应推理”工作,其中我们利用独立性来获得推断的加速。这是与Carlos Guestrin和Leonidas Guibas的联合工作。
课程简介: Permutations arise in a variety of real-world problems, such as voting, ranking, and data association. Representing uncertainty over permutations, however, is difficult since there are n! permutations, and unlike many problems, they cannot be represented effectively by graphical models due to the mutual exclusivity constraints typically associated with permutations. I will present a more effective representation which uses the "low-frequency'' terms of a Fourier decomposition to represent distributions over permutations compactly. For such representations to be truly useful, we need to be able to efficiently do inference, and to this end, I will discuss a set of useful inference operations, including marginalization and conditioning, which work completely in the Fourier domain. Performing inference on low frequency Fourier-based approximations, can often lead to functions which do not correspond to any valid distribution. To combat such errors, I will talk about a method for projecting approximations to a relaxed marginal polytope and demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach on a real camera-based multi-person tracking scenario. Finally, I will talk about approaches for splitting a distribution into independent factors and the inverse problem of merging independent factors to form a joint in the Fourier domain. I will discuss how the splitting and joining operations can be applied to our ongoing work on "adaptive inference", where we exploit independence in order to gain speedups for inference. This is joint work with Carlos Guestrin and Leonidas Guibas.
关 键 词: 不确定性的排列; 图形模型; 数据关联
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-13:邬启凡(课程编辑志愿者)
阅读次数: 182