
Engaging with children and young people
课程网址: https://www.open.edu/openlearn/money-business/leadership-manageme...  
主讲教师: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
开课单位: 英国开放大学
开课时间: 2020-01-16
课程语种: 英语
年轻人与警察的第一次接触可能比任何其他接触都更能形成他们未来几年的看法。 2013-2014年全党儿童议会小组主席、达尔文男爵夫人梅西明确表示: 儿童与警察的初次接触会对他们成年后如何看待警察和与他们交往产生持久的影响。许多年轻人热情地谈论了通过社区项目、学校和志愿警察学员与警察建立密切关系的积极影响,但我们发现,这些举措往往是少数工作人员热情的结果,实践并不普遍,导致了“邮政编码彩票”效应。 (儿童问题全党议会小组,2014年,第2页) 这意味着第一印象很重要。如果儿童和年轻人能够对警察产生一种中立的、甚至是积极的印象,那么从长远来看,这将有助于产生更积极的结果和互动。 在本课程中,我们将了解警察如何与儿童和年轻人打交道,以及如何采取不同的做法。 学习本课程后,你应该能够: 了解与儿童和年轻人互动的更有效方式 了解不良童年经历的影响 了解“有风险”和“有风险行为”之间的区别 评估可以采取哪些潜在步骤来更好地支持儿童和年轻人。
课程简介: Perhaps more than any other engagement, the first encounter that a young person has with police can form their perception for years to come. Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Children 2013-2014, Baroness Massey of Darwen, is clear that: Children’s first encounter with police officers can have a lasting effect on how they view the police and engage with them as adults. Many young people spoke passionately to the inquiry about the positive impact of developing close relationships with police officers – through community projects, in schools and with Volunteer Police Cadets – but we found that too frequently these initiatives were the result of the enthusiasm of a handful of staff, and practice was not widespread, leading to a ‘postcode lottery’ effect. (All Party Parliamentary Group for Children, 2014, p. 2) The key implication of this is that first impressions count. If children and young people are able to develop a neutral if not hopefully positive impression of the police, then it will support more positive outcomes and interactions in the long term. In this course, we take a look at how police engage with children and young people, and how it might be done differently. After studying this course, you should be able to: understand more effective ways of engaging with children and young people understand the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences understand the difference between ‘at risk’ and ‘risky behaviours’ evaluate potential steps that can be taken to better support children and young people.
关 键 词: 儿童年轻人; 童年经历; 风险行为; 互动有效
课程来源: 英国开放大学
数据采集: 2022-05-05:tongdan
最后编审: 2022-05-05:tongdan
阅读次数: 43