
Introduction to adolescent mental health
课程网址: https://www.open.edu/openlearn/mod/oucontent/view.php?id=113543  
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开课单位: 英国开放大学
开课时间: 2021-12-21
课程语种: 英语
研究表明,在全世界范围内,年轻人的心理健康和福祉面临风险。事实上,媒体头条警告全球心理健康危机。2020年,儿童协会报告称,全球5至16岁的儿童中有六分之一患有心理健康问题。50%的心理健康问题始于14岁,有心理健康问题的年轻人中有75%没有得到他们需要的帮助和支持。 要认识到一个年轻人正与自己的精神健康作斗争可能并不容易。许多年轻人可能会试图隐藏自己的感受。这可能有很多原因,包括担心与精神疾病有关的耻辱或负罪感和羞耻感。然而,这也可能是因为他们不确定从哪里或如何得到他们需要的帮助。 对于什么构成精神疾病以及应该如何治疗精神健康问题,存在着不同的意见。在为年轻人提供支持方面,可以采取的方法有一些关键的差异,例如有时可以包括使用药物、咨询和谈话疗法。然而,研究表明,提供早期支持可以显著提高心理健康。最近的研究还表明,韧性(描述忍受和从逆境中反弹的能力)是一种可以在年轻人身上得到发展和支持的品质和技能,它可以对他们的长期心理健康和幸福产生积极影响。 这门课程的设计考虑到了这一新的研究证据。它旨在为您提供探索这些不同方法的工具,这将帮助您反思您可以以不同的方式识别一个正在挣扎的年轻人,并考虑他们如何获得支持。 成绩单 注册这门课程将使你有机会获得开放大学的数字徽章。开放大学并不认可徽章,但它们是一种很好的方式来展示你对该学科的兴趣和对职业的承诺,并提供持续专业发展的证据。 一旦你登录了,你就可以通过My OpenLearn在线管理你的数字徽章。此外,您可以下载并打印您的OpenLearn参与声明-其中也显示您的开放大学徽章。 开放大学非常感谢您在课程开始前,花几分钟时间告诉我们您自己以及您对课程的期望,在我们的选修课开始调查中。一旦您完成了课程,我们也将重视您的反馈和建议,为未来的改进,在我们的可选的课程结束调查。参与将是完全保密的,我们不会将您的详细信息传递给其他人。 青少年心理健康导论 如果你完成了这门课程,就可以获得这个免费的开放大学数字徽章!徽章可以被显示、分享和下载,作为你成就的标志。完成课程并通过测验的学生将获得此徽章。
课程简介: Research indicates that throughout the world, young people’s mental health and wellbeing is at risk. Indeed, media headlines warn of a global mental health crisis. In 2020, the Children’s Society reported that one in six children aged between 5 and 16 years of age globally suffer from a mental health problem. 50% of all mental health problems begin by the age of 14 and 75% of young people with a mental health problem are not receiving the help and support they need.  Recognising that a young person is struggling with their mental health may not be easy to identify. Many young people may attempt to hide how they are feeling. This can be for a multitude of reasons including concern about stigma or feelings of guilt and shame associated with mental illness. However, it may also be because they aren’t sure where or how to get the help they need.  There are differences of opinion about what constitutes mental ill health and how mental health problems should be treated. There are some key differences in the approaches that can be taken in providing support for young people, for example at times it can include the use of medication, counselling and talking therapies. However, research indicates that providing early support can significantly enhance mental health. Recent studies also suggest that resilience – which describes the capacity to endure and bounce back from adversity – is a quality and skill that can be developed and supported in young people, and that it can positively impact their longer-term mental health and wellbeing.  This course has been designed with this new research evidence in mind. It aims to provide you with the tools to explore these different approaches which will help you reflect on the different ways that you can identify a young person who is struggling and consider how they can access support. Transcript Enrolling on the course will give you the opportunity to earn an Open University digital badge. Badges are not accredited by The Open University but they're a great way to demonstrate your interest in the subject and commitment to your career, and to provide evidence of continuing professional development. Once you are signed in, you can manage your digital badges online from My OpenLearn. In addition, you can download and print your OpenLearn statement of participation – which also displays your Open University badge. The Open University would really appreciate a few minutes of your time to tell us about yourself and your expectations for the course before you begin, in our optional start-of-course survey . Once you complete the course we would also value your feedback and suggestions for future improvement, in our optional end-of-course survey . Participation will be completely confidential and we will not pass on your details to others. Earn this free Open University digital badge if you complete this course! The badge can be displayed, shared and downloaded as a marker of your achievement. The badge is awarded for completing the course and passing the quizzes.
关 键 词: 心理健康; 健康导论; 心里福祉; 心理问题
课程来源: 英国开放大学
数据采集: 2022-05-10:chenxin01
最后编审: 2022-05-10:chenxin01
阅读次数: 40