
Understanding research with children and young people
课程网址: https://www.open.edu/openlearn/mod/oucontent/view.php?id=105431  
主讲教师: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
开课单位: 英国开放大学
开课时间: 2020-12-07
课程语种: 英语
欢迎来到这个免费的 OpenLearn 课程,了解儿童和青少年的研究, 这是对儿童和青少年研究的介绍。 它主要是为对与儿童和年轻人一起进行的研究感兴趣的任何人设计的,包括(但不限于)目前在不同专业实践领域工作的人,也可能吸引有兴趣设计自己的研究的年轻人研究项目。还有一个题为“我们的声音”的 OU 网站来配合和补充这门课程。在进行过程中,您会偶尔发现对本网站的引用,并且在最后的会话中,您会获得指向网站上特定区域的链接,这些链接可能对您开始计划项目有所帮助。 该课程涵盖了为什么让儿童和年轻人参与有关他们生活的研究很重要。它探讨了对儿童和年轻人进行研究的意义。该课程深入了解 UNCRC 中包含的儿童和青少年的基本权利,它提供了一个框架,可以支持所有儿童研究和儿童研究,帮助开始制定研究项目构想并考虑如何实施这些构想. 成绩单 本课程分为四节课。每节课的学习时间约为四个小时。最好按顺序处理它们,但是您当然可以返回并再次查看出于任何原因想要重新访问的方面。您可能会想在进行过程中做笔记,因此请选择您喜欢的方法,无论是在笔记本上书写,还是在计算机或平板电脑上书写。在第 4 课结束时,您将找到一个测验,挑战您回答有关所学材料的问题。 开放大学非常感谢您花几分钟时间在我们可选的课程开始调查中告诉我们您自己以及您在开始之前对课程的期望 . 完成课程后,我们还将在可选的课程结束调查中重视您的反馈和建议,以供未来改进 . 参与将完全保密,我们不会将您的详细信息传递给他人。 享受你的课程!
课程简介: Welcome to this free OpenLearn course, Understanding research with children and young people, which is an introduction to research with and by Children and young people. It is designed primarily for anyone with an interest in research with and by children and young people, including (but not limited to) those currently working in different areas of professional practice, and may also appeal to young people who are interested in designing their own research projects. There is also an OU website entitled ‘Our Voices’ to accompany and complement this course. You will find occasional references to this website as you go along, and in the final Session you are offered links to specific areas on the website that may be helpful as you start planning your project. The course covers why it is important to include children and young people in research about their lives. It explores what it means to carry out research with children and young people. The course gives an insight into the fundamental rights of children and young people contained in the UNCRC, it provides a framework which can underpin all research with and by children, to help start to formulate research project ideas and consider how to go about carrying them out. Transcript This course is structured in four sessions. Each session is designed to take about four hours of study. It is best to tackle them in order, but you can, of course, go back and look again over aspects that you would like to revisit for any reason. You will probably want to make notes as you go along, so choose your preferred method for this, either writing in a notebook or on your computer or tablet. At the end of Session 4 you will find a quiz that will challenge you to answer questions on the materials you have been studying.  The Open University would really appreciate a few minutes of your time to tell us about yourself and your expectations for the course before you begin, in our optional start-of-course survey . Once you complete the course we would also value your feedback and suggestions for future improvement, in our optional end-of-course survey . Participation will be completely confidential and we will not pass on your details to others. Enjoy your course!
关 键 词: 儿童研究; 青少年群; 探讨意义
课程来源: 英国开放大学
数据采集: 2022-05-12:chenxin01
最后编审: 2022-05-12:chenxin01
阅读次数: 48