
Rent or buy? The challenge of access to housing
课程网址: https://www.open.edu/openlearn/money-business/rent-or-buy-the-cha...  
主讲教师: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
开课单位: 英国开放大学
开课时间: 2018-08-10
课程语种: 英语
每个人都需要一个他们称之为家的地方。如果你买了,它可能是你买过的最贵的东西。如果你申请了抵押贷款,或者决定租房而不是买房,那么抵押贷款分期付款或租金支付很可能是你每月最大的支出之一。由于盖房子占了大多数家庭开支的很大一部分,因此,重要的是要做出最适当的决定,决定住在哪里,选择什么样的房子,以及是租房还是买房。此外,在许多国家,住房不仅被视为一个居住的地方,而且被视为一种财富储备。这意味着,在家庭层面上,有关住房的决策对于规划长期的财务保障非常重要,但也会在那些拥有住房财富的人和其他买不起住房的人之间造成紧张关系。 在这个免费的课程里,租还是买?关于获得住房的挑战,您将探讨与住房财务决策有关的一系列问题。特别是,您将考虑四个关键问题: 人们决定买还是租的动机是什么? 房价是否过高?换句话说,什么是“可承受性”,如何衡量? 如果你购买,总成本和一些陷阱是什么? 什么决定了房价水平并使其发生变化? 在此过程中,您将了解两种金融工具:抵押计算器,可用于比较抵押贷款成本;以及资产负债表分析工具,该工具根据家庭资产(其拥有的东西,如储蓄和财产)和负债(其所欠的东西,如抵押贷款和其他债务)评估家庭财务状况。这些工具可以帮助你做出关于住房的决定,无论是在你学习本课程的过程中,还是在你个人的财务状况中。 这门OpenLearn课程改编自开放大学课程DB125《你和你的钱》。
课程简介: Everyone needs a place they call home. If you buy, it is likely to be the most expensive thing you ever purchase. If you take out a mortgage or decide to rent rather than buy, the mortgage instalments or rent payments are likely to be among your largest monthly outgoings. Since putting a roof over one’s head accounts for a good deal of most households’ spending, it is important to make the most appropriate decisions about where to live, what kind of home to choose and whether to rent or buy it. Furthermore, in many countries, housing is seen not just as a place to live but as a store of wealth. This means decisions about housing are important at the household level in planning for long-term financial security but also create tension between those who hold housing wealth and others who cannot afford to buy. In this free course, Rent or buy? The challenge of access to housing, you will explore a range of issues relating to housing financial decisions. In particular, you will consider four key questions: What are people’s motives in deciding whether to buy or rent? Are house prices too high – in other words, what is ‘affordability’ and how is it measured? If you buy, what are the total costs and some pitfalls to watch out for? What determines the level of house prices and makes them change? Along the way, you will be introduced to two financial tools: a mortgage calculator, which can be used to compare mortgage costs; and a balance sheet analyser which assesses the strength of a household’s finances based on its assets (the things that it owns, like savings and property) and liabilities (the things that it owes, such as a mortgage and other debts). These tools can help you with decisions about housing, both in your study of this course and your own personal finances. This OpenLearn course is an adapted extract from the Open University course DB125 You and your money.
关 键 词: 租房买房; 抵押贷款; 分期付款; 租金支付; 家庭资产; 财务状况
课程来源: 英国开放大学
数据采集: 2022-05-13:tongdan
最后编审: 2022-05-13:tongdan
阅读次数: 36