
Corporate responsibility for industrial incidents
课程网址: https://www.open.edu/openlearn/money-business/corporate-responsib...  
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开课单位: 英国开放大学
开课时间: 2013-03-20
课程语种: 英语
商业活动有可能对生产和交付过程中涉及的人员造成伤害。确保劳动力的健康和安全是负责任的商业实践的固有部分,也是发达国家长期受法律监管的领域。目前,公司对工业事故的责任问题几乎完全是在国家一级处理的,因此,各国可提供的法律保护可能有很大差异。国际管制很少,尽管有越来越多的动力确保在国际一级更广泛地实施监管网。(例如1992年《工业事故越境影响公约》,该公约旨在保护人民和环境免受工业事故的影响。) 本课程第1节将讨论英国的工作场所事件。 本课程第2节将概述英国工作场所事故民事责任的发展。 在第3节中,您将重点介绍在英国以“企业过失杀人罪”的形式追究工业死亡刑事责任的努力。这种以盎格鲁为中心的关注是有价值的,因为英国是第一个工业化的国家,因此在大约150年前首次面临这些问题。英国的历史揭示了工业事故法律责任(民事和刑事)的演变,并突出了在这一领域施加法律责任时常见的问题。许多制定的原则后来被世界其他国家采纳和改进。然而,在一些发展中国家,公司对工作场所事故的责任仍然没有得到发展和忽视,这使得它们对跨国企业的商业剥削具有吸引力。英国的经验为衡量其他国家提供的法律保护的性质和充分性提供了一个良好的起点。 在第4节中,重点将扩大到包括国际背景。您将考虑企业法律控制的发展与国际和人权原则以及新兴的企业社会责任(CSR)政策之间的相互关系。 第5节接着利用博帕尔案例研究,阐明了对工业事故法律责任问题的更为全球性的看法。 这门开放学习课程是从开放大学课程W822《商业、人权法和企业社会责任》改编而来的。
课程简介: Commercial activity has the potential to cause harm to those involved in the production and delivery process. Ensuring the health and safety of the workforce is an intrinsic part of responsible business practice and is an area that has long been subject to legal regulation in developed countries. At present, the issue of corporate responsibility for industrial incidents is a matter which is almost exclusively dealt with at the national level and so the legal protections available can vary greatly from country to country. International controls are few, although there is a growing impetus to ensure that the regulatory net is cast more widely at the international level. (An example is the 1992 Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents, which was designed to protect people and the environment from the effects of industrial accidents.) Section 1 of this course will consider workplace incidents in the United Kingdom. Section 2 of this course will outline the development of civil liability for workplace incidents in the UK. In Section 3 you will focus on the efforts to pursue criminal accountability for industrial deaths in the UK in the form of the offence of ‘corporate manslaughter’. Such an Anglo-centric focus is of value, as the UK was the first nation to become industrialised and so was first faced with these issues some 150 years ago. The UK’s history reveals the evolution of legal accountability (both civil and criminal) for industrial incidents and highlights issues commonly encountered in imposing legal liability in this area. Many of the principles developed have subsequently been adopted and improved upon by other nations around the world. However, corporate accountability for workplace incidents still remains undeveloped and ignored in some developing nations, making them attractive for commercial exploitation by multinational enterprises (MNEs). The UK’s experience provides a good starting point with which to benchmark the nature and adequacy of the legal protections offered in other nations. In Section 4 the focus will broaden to encompass the international context. You will consider the interrelationship of the development of legal controls on business with international and human rights principles and with emerging corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies. Section 5 then uses the Bhopal case study to shed light on a more global view of the issue of legal accountability for industrial incidents. This OpenLearn course is an adapted extract from the Open University course W822 Business, human rights law and corporate social responsibility.
关 键 词: 企业责任; 工业事故; 法律保护; 国际背景; 人权原则
课程来源: 英国开放大学
数据采集: 2022-05-20:tongdan
最后编审: 2022-05-20:tongdan
阅读次数: 37