
Retirement planning made easy
课程网址: https://www.open.edu/openlearn/money-business/retirement-planning...  
主讲教师: Emma Byron
开课单位: 英国开放大学
开课时间: 2021-08-18
课程语种: 英语
欢迎参加这门由开放大学与法律与总务部合作制作的退休计划课程。 退休本身,再加上决定在领取养老金时选择哪个选项,意味着有很多事情要考虑。你所做的关于如何确保你的钱能在退休后持续使用的选择很重要。现在花点时间将有助于你走上正轨。 需要考虑的事情包括: 你想要什么样的生活方式? 到退休时,你会存多少钱? 你是想继续做兼职,还是更喜欢闲暇和自由? 你需要考虑以后的生活费用还是照顾其他人? 消息灵通,掌控自己的退休财务,而不是推迟决定,这将帮助你实现退休梦想。 这门课程为实现这一目标奠定了基础。它涵盖了您需要做出的关键决策,以及从何处获取信息以有效地做出决策。 大多数即将退休的人都可以得到国家养老金,也许还有工作养老金。您可能还积累了养老金储蓄或其他储蓄,如ISA,您可以选择在退休时使用。本课程将涵盖各种选项,并帮助您自信地决定哪些选项适合您。 你将通过阅读、活动和视频短片来学习,最后还有一个小测验供你检查所学内容。
课程简介: Welcome to this course on retirement planning produced by The Open University in collaboration with Legal & General. Retirement itself, plus deciding which option to choose when taking your pension mean there is a lot to consider. The choices you make about how to ensure your money lasts in retirement are important. Spending a bit of time now will help put you on the right track. Some of the things to think about are: What kind of lifestyle would you like to live? How much will you have saved by the time you reach retirement? Would you like to carry on working part-time or would you prefer more leisure time and freedom? Do you need to think about later life costs or looking after other people? Being well informed and taking control of your retirement finances – rather than putting off decisions – will help you achieve your retirement dreams. This course sets out the stepping-stones to getting there. It covers the key decisions you need to make – and where to get the information to make them effectively. Most people approaching retirement can expect a state pension and maybe pensions from work. You may also have built up pension savings or other savings such as ISAs which you can choose to use in retirement. This course will cover the options and help you decide with confidence which are right for you. You will learn through a mixture of reading, activities and short videos, and there’s a quiz at the end for you to check what you have learned.
关 键 词: 退休养老金; 生活方式; 退休财务; 退休计划
课程来源: 英国开放大学
数据采集: 2022-05-26:tongdan
最后编审: 2022-05-26:tongdan
阅读次数: 52